Montgomery College Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Montgomery College?


The professors are mostly pretty great. All the professors I've had have been easily accessible for questions, and seem to genuinely want to help students succeed. I've had professors go out of their way to organize study sessions and make office hours available to their students. The professors I've had have all said that I can go to them for help anytime, even though I'm not their student anymore. And since the class sizes are small, students get indvidual attention from professors during class.


The rigorous scholarship that Montgomery College offers, called the Montgomery Scholar's Program, has been one of the best experiences in my life so far. By combining four classes of World Music, World History, World Literature, and World Philosophy in the first year, it is as if it gives the students new eyes, mouths, ears, and noses with which to perceive the world. By undergoing the formidable journey of writing a twenty page paper on the topic of globalization in the second year, it allows the students to apply their newfound knowledge to the local, the national, the world.


I like to brag about the great education, the fun campus, and the (sometimes) great teachers. I've had a great time at my school.


When talking to others about my school, I find that I tend to brag most about the professors and staff. I am very lucky to have had amazing professors so far at Montgomery College. I have taken many different subjects and classes, and found most of them to be very fun and interesting. With a great teacher, a boring subject can even be fun! The school has done a great job choosing professors and it shows in the professor's teaching methods and their ability to connect with the students is great.


The teachers are first rate, absolutly. Each teacher is really excited about their topic and is really on the ball. Particularly the American Sign Language department and the History department. The librarians will always be able to help you. They are really very knowledgeable.


The number one thing that I find myself bragging about when I talk about Montgomery College is the way it prepares one for the real world; this is accomplished by disallowing timeoff for most federal holidays, for in the real world it is highly likely that that may also be the case.