Know that temptations exist. Learn how to recognize them and how to avoid them. Those mentioned so far are credit cards, bars, other entertainments, the computer and your room mate or friends. Set times to study and reward yourself when you have completed a task. Get sleep when you can, without it nothing else will work. Keep a notebook or Palm with you to write down assignments and deadlines. It's hard to plan without knowing what or when. There are no shortcuts, no easy way to get through, no way for anyone but you to get the job done.
I wish I had known about because I had two bad learning experiences. Ever since I learned of that website, I haven't had another bad professor since. I wish I knew how tough balancing work and school was before I tried working full-time and going to school part-time. Last but most definitely not least, I wish I knew about sites like and I could've save literally hundreds on books. If I could go back in time with what I know now, college would be a breeze.
There is always help available to go to school. I was always afraid that because of my parents' low income, we would not be able to pay for school.
The importance of education, and time in my life. I took my time, and opportunities for granted, and focused on other things that didn't contribute positively in my life. I've seen my parents struggle for the lack of an education, and I want to have better chances for my future. I want to make them proud, and change the pattern of my family.
Before I attended Miami Dade college I wish I would have known the degree to which my fellow students and professors enjoy the pursuit of knowledge. The greatest setback of a freshman college student is to be ignorant of how seriously education is taken here and every other higher education campus in America and the world for that matter. I now know that leaving grade school, students must lose the routine of striving for good grades and graduate(literally) into a more serious search for an enriched life seen through the lens of a well balanced education.
I think I would like to have known about the freedom in college. Everything is less structured. While that initially provides more stress, I have found a way to organize my schedule and my mental clock according to my classes and extracurricular activities (playing bass at the church across the street, doing community service/service learning). I also had a difficult time letting go of old friends in high school. I think I would like to have known about the wonderful Christians, gamers, musicians, and professors who go to Miami-Dade College in order to make my departure less sorrowful.
I wish I had known the true cost of attending the college. Ex: Average cost of books per semester, average cost per credit, etc.
Befire i came to this school, I wish I had known how much work, time, and effort I would have to put in. I was underestimating the rigor of the classes offered at this institution, but I was mistaken. I didn't know that this school would have helped me to push myself to greater heights and also teach me the importance of time management and perseverance.
How their classes are set up and how different their professors teach thier classes.
Nothing, everyday is an experience and I learn each and everyday.