Miami Dade College Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Miami Dade College?


Someone who is not prepared to study and work hard for what they want.


The type of students that should not attend this school are students that do not take their classes seriously. Many people think that Miami-Dade college classes are "slack" and that you do not need to put an effort to do well. That is a fallacy because then the school wouldn't be considered one of the top colleges in the United States. Also in the classes that I have completed so far I have learned many things not only towards the subject but outside like life lessons and more.


All should attend this school if they plan to receive an education and further their learning.


I can't think of people who should not attend the school. It has great resources and proffesors.


I think everybody has the right to study if they are really committed and interested in seeking a bright future, no matter race, religion, etc.


Any student looking for a small student to teacher ratio would not benefit at Miami Dade.


A person that's lazy, and dont know what they want in life, and dont have patience finding parking lots shouldn't attend to this school.


Everyone should attend Miami Dade. It's a college for anyone. Whether you want a fresh start from high school, or maybe you can't afford another institution. Miami Dade welcomes you and you may transfer out after your AA. Earn good grades, good GPA, join clubs, and volunteer. This way, you will be a great candidate to consider for any school. The only people who shouldn't attend are those who aren't willing to give it your best!


Someone who prefers bigger classrooms, and more school activities. Also someone who likes to have a wide selection in the food choice, as well as someone who wants to be able to talk to an advisor without having to wait three hours, and then told the wrong information.


The kind of person that should not attent this school is one who is not motivated to attend classes, the one who doesnt know what he/ she wants to major in, and the one who doesnt have the heart to put forth effort.