Transportation to campus if you do not live in the city is difficult and the only mass transit is a train. Parking is terrible and exspensive.
The cost of parking and financial aid
The semester is way to short. I'm used to 18 week semesters, not 14 weeks. It allows for no mistakes and we all have lives even though i understand colloge is the most important aspect.
availability of certain classes.
They are working on campus living, but as much as I have seen, it leaves much to be desired. This is not the classic dorm situation and college experience most would like to have.
The admissions process, hands down! The advisors do not work with the finacial aid officers who don't work with the transcript counselors when working on the admissions process for a new student. Sudents are always confused as to why noone told them, for example, their general studies credits did not transfer ad that's why they do not qualify as a sophmore.
One of the most frustrating thing about my school is that the department is amazing and the rest of the school does not always reflect that. Hospitality is exciting, challenging and rewarding and our professors give real experience with real industry speakers. It is frustrating that all the majors Physics and Nursing don't reflect those same programs, courses, and assistance to help their students. I have friends that major in these fields and it's discouraging when leaving my department to see their's nearly without representation or a concerned person to work with them.
Certain basic courses drive me crazy. I understand that colleges and universities are trying to make students well rounded individuals, however making classes mandatory when they aren't within your major doesn't help. Classes like that are brushed off and not cared about and simply frustrates me and most of my friends. If the class isn't taken seriously what good does it do? It only adds cost to an already expensive situation.
The distance between classes.....I've got 10 min to get from one end of the campus to the other. Otherwise, I'm excited to be going back to school.
I attended Northern Michigan University in the fall and the toughest part of school was the schedule and the amount of time and effort it took. Being on the football team along with a 14 credit class made it almost impossible for sleep. Practice took up almost 5 hours a day and classes up to 12 hours some days. Constant sleep deprivation made it tough to keep up with physical activities, but with the sight of the end of the season the days moved quicker. For those couple months, the tough schedule was the toughest part of school.