The fact that I have to take a 40 min train ride to school is annoying.
MSU is a commuter campus. There aren't any dorms or on-campus living. This is very frustrating because I have to take the light rail to school every day, or pay to park in a parking garage in order to go to class. I live in Parker, Colorado, which is about an hour of travel time away from Denver. Everything else about the school is amazing, but this is the one thing that makes going to school here difficult. If I had the option to live on campus, I would, because it would make going to school easier.
Metro functions as a commuter school, making it extreamely difficult to get to know people. My expectation of college was that it would be very social. But really, a lot of effort is necessary to get involved and to find a peer group, which causes problems for me because I don't do well with new people. So really the problem resides with me more than the school, still being a commuter school, people at the school aren't very motivated to make friends.
The most frustrating thing I have found is that it's easy to get lost on campus.
Parking is a big money issue. If you have car, expect to pay alot (anywhere from 4 to 10 dollars) for parking.
The most frustrating thing about Metro State is first figuring out where everything is on campus. It shares with two other colleges so it can be pretty complicated
The most frustrating thing about Metropolitan State College of Denver is the location. The campus is situated only blocks from the busy, noisy, and dirty downtown area. The campus feels overshadowed by the oppresive skyscrapers and confined by the din of the crowded streets and obnoxious trains. Peace is a rarity on the campus due to the penetrating noise of the bustling city. Just as one thinks he has found a quiet place out of doors, more city intrudes.
There were a couple of instructors that I felt were not good instructors which caused some frustration. The cost of parking and the difficulty of finding parking was a big source of frustration.
The most frustrating thing about Metro is the lack of organization that some of the offices have. One in particular, the Financial Aid Office, makes it extremely difficult to get anything accomplished. The financial aid policies at Metro are also a bit frustrating. Be forewarned: DO NOT DROP CLASSES.