Meredith College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Meredith College know before they start?


If I could go back in time and give myself advice, I would tell myself not to be shy and ask a lot of questions and do a lot of research on the different colleges. Also, I would have myself research on what careers are derserving of a degree so I do not waste my time and money, and stick with school from start to finish.


Don' bat an eyelid to miss one waking moment of the present. Make the most of today and rejoice when tomorrow arives. Circumstances, people, and environents are ever changing right before your eyes; do not rush those changes. Try not to plan everything, let life happen to you. It's a beatiful, moving thing. Don't be bored by any of it. Let it move you. Let it change you at it's own pace. Love your family. Spend time with your family. Love yourself. Believe in yourself. Chase your craziest dream, and then chase another. It is okay


College is very tough, but if you set your mind to it anyone can get through it. Be ready to be out on your own, and make decisions that can change your life. College doesn't have to be so tough though. If you use your time wisely, and also make decisions wisely then you will be fine. I believe that college can make you or break you, but don't let it break you. Set aside time for your school work and your social life and college will be the best years of your life.


Moving away from home, from familiarity, is never easy. Something everyone must come to terms with is that life is shrouded in impermanance. Change is life and in order to achieve our hopes and dreams we must learn to embrace it. Embrace the fact that without change there would be no new opportunities, new ideas, new relationships or new experiances. Embrace the change with your feet on the ground, hands at work but let your heart and soul soar to new hights. Never stop dreaming and striving to accomplish your goals and help your family and friends along the way. Cherish every new experiance, helping hand and mistake so that you can learn from each one how to become the person you aim to be. Lastly, know that all the effort you put into school and your job is worth it. Working fourty hours a week in high school to pay for college is worth it. You miss out on prom and spending those last few days with your friends but you achieve the chance to obtain a degree and start your future. So embrace the change, you will find you like whats waiting for you.


I would tell myself to focus on what you really want to do in your life. Decide what you want to do after you graduate and take classes that go with your dream. Focus on what school will help you accomplish your dreams and aspirations. Don't just pick a school that your best friends are going to because you want to stay together. Pick a school where you know they will help you become the person that you want to grow up and be. You also want to find friends that will stick with you through whatever and will help you grow and help you achieve your goals and aspirations. Focus on what you want to do and stick to it.


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I was a high school student 12 days ago. Although I was in high school, I also attended a community college, where I earned my Associate's degree in a 2-year, joint high school and college program. But if I was to go back to 12 days ago and give myself advice, I would say don't spend the $200 your grandparents gave you. No, I would really cheat the rules and go back to my sophomore year, when I was age 15, and worried that I would never get into college because of my poor GPA. I would tell myself not to worry though. Not to worry because I'll be in "college" next year. Not to worry because I will be the only graduating senior who took 26 classes in 2 years. Not to worry because life is about making mistakes, learning by them, and then proving everyone who said you couldn't do it wrong. College is all about going out of your comfort zone, opening yourself up to failure, but most importantly, it's about accepting your faults and your past -- and then moving on. So, finally, woman up and pull yourself together.


I would give myself the advice to not be afraid. College is a scary place but it's different here. I would say to not be scared to be out about who and what I am. People are so accepting and they don't really care about things like sexuality or your past; they care about your present, your future, and your life as a person. I would say that you will make friends, that those kids in Chemistry and English were wrong and listening to them will make the process of becoming friends with the girls in your dorm harder than it has to be. I would also say don't give up on life and don't think about what would happen if you just stopped caring about other people or even about yourself. I would say that you are worth something as a person, worth more than your brains or your large vocabulary. You are worth the smiles you put on other's faces and the hugs they give you in return. You're worth it. Don't be scared.


Anytime I felt that someone was picking with a person who was defenseless against them, I'd step into their defense. I have always been a really bright girl but because of my suspensions, my grades were not where they should've been. Due to this, it is evident even on my transcript, that I stopped all of my violence and began to put my emotions into positive things. I found anger management to be helpful because I was able to talk about my problems. I do not regret any of the decisions I made because it made me the person I am today and I can honestly say that my experiences made me wiser. I would also tell myself not to let things I cannot change run my life. I was angry that my hero, my dad, had been sick for so long. I would've been more at peace and I could better handle everything else that life threw at me. In conclusion, I would tell myself to pace myself and to stop letting troubles get me down because the best is yet to come if I just wait it out.


If I was able to go back in time as a High School student as a senior, I would give myself alot of advice to better myself in school. The best advice I would give myself is to study and complete all of the work assigned because if you don't study you will never learn anything your suppost to be learning that will help you later in the future. Another piece of advice I would give myself would be to focus on school and not be too social. Also interacting with my teachers more, because being shy around your teachers won't help you figure out things that you don't understand.