Mars Hill University Top Questions

Describe how Mars Hill University looks to someone who's never seen it.


I have not attended this school yet.


Mars hill college is a school that is occupied by outdoorsy people that like to interact with others and is a small in class size.


Mars Hill college is corky, diverse, and a bit conservative.


Mars Hill College is a libral arts college where there is a large enphasis on diversity in its learning, while pushing its students to succeed in everything they do, not only grades.


Very small and friendly, but doens't have enough money.


The professors are awesome but the administrative staff doesn't listen to a lot the students and is typically unhelpful.


Mars Hill is small, but it has the feeling of a family and the students are hard workers.


Mars Hill College is a very small school that has small classes and the requriements for the majors can sometimes be time consuming.


Mars Hill wants all of the students to be successful and the professors strive to make it happen.