I would tell parents and students to make sure that the school they choosen best fits the student personally as well as academically. One can go ta a great academical univeristy or college and be socially starving. Both academics and social life must be present balancing each other out. Having a friends away from home form a support group for students. This support group then helps make college a home away from home. Now a days. GPA is not everything. Businesses also want to know you you have good social skills, so get involved with a few organizations. A big tip for parents is to be more of a support group than a "pressure maker". I can testify to choking under the pressure of my parents and really disappointing them. Once I explained to them that they can not push their expectations on me I began to do better in school and it also made our relationship better. To students, I encourage to ask for help when needed and do not be afraid to step into a tutoring session. College is a big step but, it does not have to be taken alone.
Research your choices wisely. Go where YOU want to go and where the best possible degree can be offered in your field of research. Just because your friends are going there, doesnt mean you have to also.
Make sure that your study habits are on point. School work can be an overload so make sure that you take time to relax and socialize. meeting new people and making new friends is a good way to stay grounded in college.
Are you ready to be away from home? Do you have good study skills? Are you responsible enough to do what needs to be done? All these need to be answered yes if you are truly ready for college. If you answered no, then you need to work on these things. School should be your priority. Your social life should come second. Figure out what you love to do and go for it. Study that. You'll be much happier than majoring in something that you think will bring you money. Don't let school bog you down. Do things that let you unwind. Make friends. Don't be nervous to talk to someone you don't know. Who knows...they might be in your wedding!!
I think that students need to think long and hard about their choice when choosing a University or Community College. They really need to evaluate themselves about what they want out of life. I realized that a big University is not for me. I like a smaller setting. It is wonderful to be in a classroom where the professors actually know your name and you can go to them with questions.
The first year away from home can be difficult and I knew that I didn't want to be thousands of miles away from my family. So when looking at schools, I did take in to consideration how far away from home they were. Currently I am about 5 hours away and feel that this is a good distance. I am on my own but if I do get home sick I can come home for a weekend.
Making sure that the college is offers your major or interests and do research to see how they compare to other schools is very important also.
The one thing I need to tell all college freshmen is to get involved in activities right away it really helps you meet people.
Students should decide what they want from a college, and then find a college that best meets their needs. They should decide what majors interest them and take college tours to find out more about specific programs. Students should also decide if they want to stay close to home or go out of state. It is also important to decide if you want to attend a large school or small school with smaller class sizes.
The best advice I can give is to be true to yourself. Do not choose a college based on where your friends are going, where your parents went, or where other family members go. Know what you want out of life and strive to attain it. Visit college campuses when school is in session. This allows you to see how you feel and how you fit into the environment. Make sure to schedule appointments with the admissions office and the college in which you are interested in obtaining a degree. This guarantees that you get the most out of your visit, and will help you narrow down the prospective schools drastically. The more time and effort you put into chosing the school the happier you will be. Once you've begun school, get involved! You won't make new friends by sitting in your dorm room all alone, but you will by stepping up and joining in. Some of the best memories in college are made with friends just sitting around on a Wednesday afternoon. Find people you connect with and keep them close. They're your stand-in family during college. Most of all, have no regrets.
Find the place where you know you can succeed. Find a place that you know will help you better yourself. Be Prepared. Don't spend too much time studying. Have fun.
Be focused and determined. Never give up.
find somewhere that you dont feel out of place and that you are comfortable with. It about learning, but you have to have fun to keep yourself sane.