Liberty University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Liberty University? Why?


The worst thing about Liberty is the rules. There is a curfew, separated dorms, and severe penalties for alcohol possession. These rules may seem unpleasant at first but in reality they are there to maintain a safe, clean and focused learning environment.


The only thing that I have found difficult is not being able to ask questions in person. This is an online format and distance is a small inconvenience but at my age, I don't want to be on campus with all of the young kids.


Some professors are unorganized( mostly men teachers). And some don't post grades.


My experience has been good with my university I don't have any complaints.


The worst part about Liberty University is that you can sometimes get lost in the "Liberty Bubble" and not come to terms with the "real" world outside. There is plenty of talk about the real world, but due to the Liberty Way (rules/guides for student conduct) Liberty is much different from many other colleges and what you will most likely find outsite of college.


The parking freshmen are allowed to have cars and theres not room for them.


The hardest thing about Liberty is finding the best way to get involved. There are a lot of groups and associations and oppurtunities to do things, but it can be difficult to know where you will be the most helpful. I never thought that a school could have too many student groups, but Liberty is trying to reach that goal.


The tuition is a little pricey.


it has a lot of rules but if we didnt have them then there would be no controll by the school.


The fianancial aid deptartment