Langston University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Langston University?


I brag to my friends that this university as a community has become family to me. My advisor is very helpful with my classes and grades. My newly found roommates are the best. We've become so close in our first semester together. The professors provide help and understanding. The campus life and activities are fun but not overwhelming to where you can't fit studies in. I find it to be a very beautiful setting when I'm outside walking around campus. The school cost is very little with their help of scholarships and financial aid information.


I say that we are not just a number in our class rooms, our professors respect us and know who we are.


The thing that I brag about the most when I tell my friends about my school is the living conditions. Our living conditions are the best we our on indivisual rooms where you can go be by yourself. Because you will need the alone time to study.


You need to keep your head straight and know what you want out of life. You may not know exactly what you want to do but makes plans to succeed. Try to learn to manage your time and study. Be organized!! Strive for success in every class or activity you participate in. Watch out for those around you and remain yourself. Don't let anyone change you nor do you change for anyone. Also, manage your money! Stay up on your work. Keep a positive surrounding for yourself to stay motivated! Last but not least, ENJOY YOURSELF!