Knox College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Knox College?


Ecologically friendly, "green", hippies, creative artsy people


That we're all a bunch of pot-smoking hippies who have nothing better to do than laze around, ignoring homework to go to parties.


too liberal, democrats, very diverse and talented students, from suburbs of chicago, not chicago!


Generally, the students are very liberal. It is a small liberal arts college and is a good school.


Many, but in general nerds, socially awkward, and what I call sheltered, I guess nice could count too.


We're all liberal hipsters


Knox students are very nerdy. They aren't all nerdy in the same way. Some students are nerdy in the "I study seven hours a day" kind of way. Others are nerdy in the, "I play video games all the game," or the, "I love live action roleplay kind of way." Others spend half their time trying to make art. We are also stereotypically very bad at sports.


A lot of people are stuck in the stereotype that Knox students are a bunch of liberal arts hippies.


That we are open-minded and diverse, which is true. That we are stuck-up and wealthy for going to an expensive private school, which is by and large false-- Knox simply extends gratuitous financial aid to all types of students. That we are stuck in the Knox bubble and disconnected from the real world. This is true to some extent because most students stay on our small campus most of the time, however, the Knox curriculum emphasizes learning about the world outside from many distinct angles and disciplines so as to contruct a "wholer" understanding of what we're interested in. Though we may act somewhat disconnected while at Knox, I would argue that this type of in-depth education serves to provide us with a better approach to the outside world once graduated.


Nerds, Hippies, Rich Kids, Angry Liberals/Feminists/Activists, Alcoholics