Be prepared for everything. Do not expect that just because you are accepted into a great school that you will be able to attend there. You need to be looking for scholarships and other sources of money NOW, not later. There is not as much time as you think. You need to be more involved in school activities and more focused academically because no one is going to make you do it in college. Yes the professors will help you if you struggle, but only YOU can make yourself go for it and do well. Goodluck!
If I could go back in time and give myself adivce about college life it would be not to worry so much about what other people think. Worrying about what other people's opinions about you are completely irrelevant to your college experience. College is about finding who you are, and where your going in life; don't let what other opinions sway your decisions. Go to class, get the grades you want, and don't worry about competing in a popularity contest. Join a community help group, volunteer at the local animal shelter and meet new people. As long as you are happy inside, and you will conquer anything. So don't get caught up in the "who's who", dig deep and find the person you were always meant to be.
After attending a community college for just one semster, I have learned so much. Learning to balance my time was a huge lesson that I thought I has already mastered already. I take my college experience very serious for i want to succed in life and have a stable future. I've seen many of my friends who attended a university who have failed and been out partying all the time, when I can't believe they are throwing this experience away. I value my experience where ever I may attend and give it my all. I want to show everyone who has helped me, whether it be faculty from my school, my parents, or friends, that i can succed. I continue my education because i want to have a succesful life, in whatever I choose to do and learn all I can about my career. I can not wait till college shows me more about life, and myself.
My college experience has already made me feel I can have a better conversation with others. I feel more educated in just the short period of time I have been attending. My attendence to college is valuable to me becuase I want to continue to feel educated and knowledgable. Not only receiving the degree but actualy feeling the accomplisment.
During the first year of my college experience I have learned so much about myself that I was truely suprised. I am able to focus on the task at hand, and to push myself to excell in areas where I thought I would struggle. Multitasking, though not always a beneficial skill, is something that I have improved upon in the past year. It is important for a person to believe in the fact that they will come away at the end of the four years with knowledge that may not have been gained in other places. Each class that I have attended has interested me more and more, assuring me that I have chosen the right path for my future. The beginning of the college process is scary, but with each semester, the light at the end of the tunnel gets closer and closer.
The process of obtaining a higher education has taught me a lot about who I am as a person and what I stand for as both an individual and as a member of society. Through this process I have been able to experience self growth in ways that I would not be able to gain in life outside of school. I believe that knowledge is power, and my college experience has allowed me the independence and self-empowerment to know that I can succeed. This college experience has given not only me but also my family the hope and the ability to dream about a greater and more fulfilling future, a future that would be unobtainable without the pursuit of higher education. My college experience has been most valuable on a personal nature. I that I have changed a negative generational view of school as my children have observed my both my dedication and my success so they too now feel the importance of hard work in school. My experience has been an example that has improved the quality of my children’s' lives to an extent that will carry on for years to come. Their success is my goal.
College has caused me to be more disciplined and think more about my future and what I want to do in life.
My college experience has taught me that there are so many unique individuals in the world today, regardless where you come from. I have learned the importance of diversity, free-thinking, and over all acceptance of my fellow man. In the time I have attended school so far, I have become more confident and social overall. I believe it's knowledge that is the new motivation for today's society, which is becoming increasingly 'dumbed down'. After all, knowledge is power in its truest form.
I will be attending college this fall of 2010. I took a year off after high school, due to health reasons. I know this is the best decision I have and will ever make. I have seen many people, including my mom, go through a really hard time due to the lack of an education. My mom and stepdad were divorced a little over a year ago. My stepdad was the main "bread winner", so it has been really hard for my mom to provide for my brother, sister, and me. I never want to be put into the situation where I feel like I have to do something because I have no other options. It is scary because I get worried that it will be too difficult having a job and going to school, but I know that I CAN do this. I am learning more and more as days go on that being an adult is not nearly as fun as I thought it would be when I was a little girl, but I am enjoying the journey.
As a freshmen who currently completed my first semester in college, I am in the beginning stages of my academic journey. A journey I believed I would never succeed at because I was not smart enough. You see, at forty-four years of age, I was convinced that I was not smart enough for college and I didn't attend a university. But due to my recent job loss, and lack of employment in our area, higher education is currenty inescapable. I believe I have been granted an opportunity of a lifetime. To renew the old beliefs I had towards myself as an individual and to prove to myself that I can do it. What I have gotten out of my college experience thus far is great satisfaction in knowing that my hard work and determination to study my way out of poverty is becoming a reality. I recieved a certificate of academic excellence for my first semester at college! The value in that experience is priceless. I now have proof that with that same determination, I will soon be able to provide economic stability for my son and I. Thank you, I truly appreciate your consideration for acceptance.