I would tell myself to work very hard in your classes and get the best grades you can. And to start developing better study habits becuase that is what most of college is about, learning how to study will save you alot of stress and help you to get better grades then and now. Also to be open and meet new people because you will have new friends from all different backgrounds and you will have alot of fun but education always comes first. And stay true to yourself and keep your values because it is still life and you will have one outside of college. It is a very fun ride and your gonna meet alot of cool people and have alot of fun.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself a lot. I would start by saying that most techinques that students learn in high school, won't work in college. Students really have to study and work all day and night on just one homework assignment. I would also fill myself in about facing the failure of a class. In high school if you failed the class, it was a big deal, because you could take it next year, or sometimes not have to take it at all, but in college every class is given to you for a reason. It's part of your career plan and before you can move forward you have to pass. The last thing I would tell myself as a high school student is to make sure you hae motiation and a great support system.
If I was able to go back in time and talk to myself as a senior in high school. I wouldn’t tell myself just to work harder and get good grade because that’s really not what college is all about. I would tell myself to get to know your teachers so latter down the road they might help you find a job and help you in class. Having one on one with a teacher will really help you understand what your good at and what your bad at. I would also tell myself to apply for more scholarships. But besides scholarships and getting to know the teacher I would tell myself to also talk to your adviser as soon as possible for your classes because once they are filled up you can’t get in the class you want and also make enough time between classes but don’t make to long that your sitting there for hours. Last I would tell myself to try and make more friends because you will see them a lot in your classes, so making friends with them at first will be a lot easy then latter down the road.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself I would tell myself to have more confidence in my studies and to not worry so much about the small stuff. When we are older and are able to look back upon ourselves everything that mattered then doesnt matter at all now. I would tell myself that I am able to do anything I want and get the grades I think are impossible. In college now I am determined every semester, with no excuses in hand, to recieve an 'A' in all of my classes no matter how hard I must work. In high school and the first year of college this always seemed impossible because it stuck in my head as that idea. I know now that anything really is possible for someone who is determined and it is not just a saying. I would also tell myself not to be nervous about the transition to college from high school. College brings a whole new light to life with new friends, a new atmosphere, and new knowledge. It seems to be carefree compared to the dramatic world of high school.
I would change how serious I was about school. I thought that I could just fly through college and it would be ok. I did the Senior to Sophomore program my senior year and it helped but I didn't realize how important and helpful it was until I was scheduling for my fall semester. So if I were to change one thing, I would go back to the April of my junior year so that I could get certain classes that I would need and be able to further myself that much more in my education. I hadn't applied for the program until last minute and I now realize how essential it should have been my senior year to be more on top of things and learn to how prioritize before I hit the college life.
I would explain everything to myself. I dropped out of highschool at 15 with 0 credits.I am 22 now, and Just finished my third semester. In one more semester I will receive two associates degrees.A year from now i will receive 3 certificates that my college awards in place of degrees. I will have a Cisco CCNA which is by far the most coveted credential someone in my position could receive. My long term goals are receiving a PHD, and a Cisco CCIE. I will maintain a cumulative 4.00 the whole time. In three semesters I have received 144 credit hours. I understand the importance of education.I would explain everything i never knew then, to myself.And i would tell myself to save money. I struggle to pay for books and tuition every semester, and if only I'd have used my intelligence when i was younger, everything would be easier now. Theres so many things I needed someone to tell me, and explain to me at that age, I could save myself a lot of trouble. I think about this scenario very, very often.
Don't give up. You succeeded well in High School. You should strive and keep on going. Don't give up hope because you have already proven you can do it. College is rewarding in more ways than a piece of paper. Your confidence in yourself is raised as well as your knowledge.
If I could go back in time and communicate with my youner self. I would urge my youger self to continue straight to college without delay. I say this because of the many differnt jobs I performed that require very hard labor with very little pay. These jobs although important that they get done are under appreciated and very often lead one with no chance of advancement. With a college education one is given the oppoptunity to advance and hopefully raise their standard of living for their selves and future generations. If I would hve contiued my education straight out of highschool I would not be scrambling now to complete my education before I turn 32.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a highschool senior, I would not change much. The transition of going to college was not made for me back then. I would tell myself to not be so free with my choices and stay at home with my mother a little longer. I would tell myself to be me, and not who others thought I should be. I would tell myself that it is okay to say no, even when under pressure. I would tell myself not to settle for the first person that said "I love you" (or the second one). I would tell myself to keep my head up, people are not as bad when they grow up to be adults. I would let myself know that the future does hold something special for you, but you need to be patient. I would also make sure to tell myself to not listen to others when they are making a bad reccomendation. Lastly, I would tell myself that I am smart, and that I will succeed.