There is definitely a lot more to college than just studying. You have to be able to be socialable. Reaching out to new people can result in making lifelong friends. Getting involved in activities is important. Explore clubs that interest you, join an intramural sports team, or maybe even check out the sorority or fraternity life. Go to activities on campus such as sports games, parties, or concerts. But when it does come to school work. Try your hardest. Always ask for help if needed. Whether you need a tutor to help you with math or need to talk to a professor to find ways to improve your grade, never shy away from it. This can be very beneficial, not only helping with your grades, but your experience as well.
However, you shouldn't overload your schedule with classes. This will not only put a strain on your social life, but your grades as well. And definitely do not do anything that you are not comfortable, like giving into peer pressure to do something illegal or something that you know is a bad idea.
This few tips can definitely make college the best years of your life.
When you begin the college search, it's very important to think about the students needs. One thing that is absolutely terrifying to a college freshman is the new surroundings, the new schedule, the new work, and the new people. If I could have done things differently before I began college, I would have gotten to know the campus better and learn where everything is located. Going into a school thinking that you will simply "catch on" to the college life is not the way to go about it. Everything about college from the different buildings to the dorms to the way you do your schoolwork is a complete change from high school. I think the best way to prepare for college is to make sure that you understand the surroundings. This way, you can focus on your GPA and not have to worry about the simple things.
Make sure that you take all factors into consideration. Whether or not the student wants to live on or off campus, work, attend in or out-of-state. Does the student want to be a in a large classroom setting or be in small classrooms where the Professor can recognize you by your name. How much can you afford to pay? Or better yet, how much are you willing to be in debt from taking out loans? Does the college/university obtain the educational programs that the student seeks or may have an interest in? Obviously you would need to visit the college and see whether or not you would feel comfortable attending it.
First of all, I Find out that any of my friends had been or still going to this college. I take some information from them. Then I do reaserch about college. Then I go visit college to make sure how is envirenment, where is it at?, and how is community?
Make sure you look into and visit the school before you go. Also look into what majors they have and what the college can offer you.
I have been attending college for almost four years. When i first applied to Kean my parents greatly pushed for me to go. Although i did not think it was a great idea i knew it would be best for my future. It was inexpensive, and also a great school for my major. Now, four years later, i am thanking my parents for the best decision they ever made. So when thinking about your college decision make sure you pick a school that best suites your major. It is also very important to choose a school that is affordable for you. Remember, no matter what college you choose to attend, you will come out with great friends that will last a lifetime, and a degree for your future.
I would first look to see what are of study you would want to pursue. Then see if that school can best serve your needs. I will also see where the school is located. Whether you would want it somewhere close to home, far away, city or suburbs are all factors that you should carefully look into.
I would advise them to go to the school and try to jump in some lectures where their are alot of people so you can be over looked and see what its like.
To the parents: I know that you want to have a say in where the student goes, but dont pressure them to go to a certain school. Let them choose themself, but at the same time aide them in their decision. If they are leaning toward a school that you may not agree with, dont try to completely eliminate it. Instead, do some honest research on it and if your student is determined on going then let them. If it really is not the right school for them, they will know in that first year and then will probably be more willing to listen to you and theyll transfer. For the student: dont just look for the party school. Every school has plenty of parties and you will never be bored. Look into whats important, and i dont just mean academics (although they are vital) but also extra cirriular activities that you are interested in. Look into the type of students that attend the school. I suggest finding a school whose majority of the student body shares at least some similarities to yourself. Dont worry about diversity because again there will be plenty of that anywhere you go. HAVE FUN!!!
Do not wait untill last minute to find a college. Really research different schools, and go visit as many as you can. The earlier you look into schools the better! Don't hold back, and give everything your best effort. College is a time to explore new things, meet new people, and find yourself as a person. Have fun, but also work hard. Your future is at stake here, and thats not something to compromise.