Iowa State University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Iowa State University?


I always take about the people; the people make Iowa State what it is. Everyone is invested in the university and want to see students succeed.


The atmosphere during a football game at Jack Trice or a basketball game at Hilton.


The wide range of activities that you can involve yourself in and what a great opportunity it is to meet so many diverse people on campus.


The student body is amazing!


My school has a beautiful campus and amazing food. The people here are all very cheery as well!


I would brag about ISU's contributions to research and innovation. The Ames Lab is located on campus and is responsible for nuclear innovations, nanotechnology, computers, adhesives, fuels, and much more. George Washington Carver is an ISU alumn and is responsible for many peanut related inventions. Iowa State also holds claim to the creation of the first digital computer.


I brag about school spirit on campus. It is very clear when you walk on campus that everyone here loves ISU. I also brag about the willingness of faculty on campus to help when I need help. For example when I need help finding a building I have never heard of. Most of all I brag about the people I have met here at Iowa State University. People I have met and encountered are people that I will be friends with for life.


Many of my friends attend schools where it is difficult to get involved in activities around campus. At Iowa State it is quite the opposite. There are so many activities that you have to pick and choose a few of the many you are bound to find interesting. There is never an excuse to be bored here because there is always something to be doing. You just have to find the courage to get out there, step outside of your comfort zone, and experience something new and interesting.


I usually brag about how inviting the campus is, all the activities that happen on campus, and about how easy it is to meet new people and how almost everyone is friendly at Iowa State University.


I brag most about our basketball team... But for more professional stuff I brag about how good I feel about the oppurtuinites I'm going to have after graduation. I feel my school is preparing me so well for what "comes after." There are so many things I can currently do on campus to help me once I graduate.