The worst thing about Indiana Wesleyan is the food. It starts out tasting great but by the end of the semester, I can barely eat it.
The University is slightly strict, and I believe that we are all adults and should have more freedom. But, I understand that they have to include rules to keep things running smoothly and safely. I also know that they want to represent christianity in a world where it's becoming uncommon.
The worst part of the school is that the price is so high. It is such a wonderful place and I would live to see more students go there. There are many students who have had to leave because they could not afford it. Because it is a private school, many are not able to go to such an expensive place. I know financial times are difficult, but I wish there were more ways that students could afford to go here. I was blessed in so many ways and I wold love to see others blessed as well.
The worst thing about my school is the lack of diversity. It is a very white-washed school with shallow knowledge of different cultures. Indiana Wesleyan is not broad in it's cultural diversity or sensitivity.
The worst thing about Indiana Wesleyan University is the male to female ratio of 1:6 so there is a great deal more females then males. I personally enjoy hanging out with boys as friends and I miss having equal opportunities to hang out with boys as I do girls.
The work load for the online classes is very large and time consuming.
Indiana Wesleyan University is an amazing school, and I love it here. One thing however that gets on my nerves concerning the students that attend here at their inexperience in the world and their ignorance to accept the viewpoints of others. Due to their opinions being grounded in their families values, they are reluctant to even consider the opinions of others. However, I have seen that through calm conversations with these types of people, they become far more willing to consider other viewpoints of opinions of the issues that matter to them the most.
The only "worst things" that I can think of at Indiana Wesleyan universal at any college.
The program at the university I'm attending is considered accelerated. Classes vary from 4 weeks to 8 weeks at a time. We have class one night a week for 4 hours. It's great because before you know it, one class is done and you are on to the next; however, it's a short amount of time for a great deal of work. The work load from the classes can be a bit overwhelming at times.
The worst thing about my school is probably that it has so little diversity. The number of racially diverse has increased this adademic school year, but the great majority of the school consists of white, middle to upper-middle class students from conservative backgrounds. I would love to see more students of different races and countries around the world. It would also be better if students and faculty were open to more discussion about new, original ideas and views that are not consistent with the perspectives of the majority.