Dont give up and give it all you got. Most set backs in my life have been from 18 years old to now. Its easy to give up and not reach out for support when needed.
I had a really bad case of "senior-itous" in the begining of the year. I really slacked not really worried about what I did, and absolutley knew I was going to graduate, which I did. I was in the process of joining the U.S Army, I was really active, and I loved attending my martial arts classes. After looking back, I know without a doubt in my mind I could have earned a 4.0 GPA, not just the senior year but throughout high school. That reaction really pulled myself together and forged how I look at my life now and what education means know. If I could give myself advice, I would have told me to pull myself together because you need a higher GPA. I came out with a 2.8 but looking back, I could have done so much more! The college life is a new start, and I plan on making this my most successful part in my life.
Don't pay attention to what other people think you should do. Don't take other people's word as the end all be all. You know yourself better than anyone else and you should chase what it is you want in life. You will be the one that has to live with the choices made. Don't let money or prestige dictate what you do. There is a lot to be said about being happy in life. That is what you should chase after, your happiness. While it is okay if you don't know exactly what you want to do I don't reccommend changing your major to something else you're unsure of. If your passion doesn't completely change then try to stick with just one thing. It'll cause less debt accumulation and less time spent in school. If you vhange your mind later down the road, once you have recieved a degree, then you can go back for a breif period of time and do something that you know you want to. Good luck!
As a senior, you're going to want to be lazy in class; senioritis has set in fully and you're ready to leave for college. Trust me, I get it, but you have to keep your grades up. Even though you wish you took easy classes, be thankful for the AP classes you're in, they're going to save you some money in the long run! Right now your course load feels heavy because of all of the activities you have going on at school and work, but it has nothing on what you will be taking on in college! You will be entering a whole new ball game, filled with a lot of flash cards and a lot of coffee. I know this comes as a surprise since you didn't drink much outside of a creamy sugary Starbucks drink in high school, but you are going to LOVE coffee in college. The caffeine is going to be your savior, and as scary as this sounds, you will start to feel rested if you're able to get 3 hours of sleep. It gets tough at some points but the ride is well worth it, kid.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would encourage myself to look outside the box and consider all of my options when choosing a college. I would have thought more seriously about my finances and degree program. I would have liked to have more knowledge of what college is actually like, and maybe then I would have put myself out there more. I should have looked more at my options, and budgeted a four year plan. The transition isn't as hard if you are properly prepared socially, financially, and academically.
I would tell the high school senior me to take the early classes of each course more serious to get a jumpstart on the classes. Most students just lounged around as new freshman at Indiana University-Southeast which made many to fall behind quickly. The courses are quite hard to catch up with once you have fallen behind, so new freshman should take every class from the very first one quite seriously and do all homework assignments. Even the small assignments have points that can be earned, and might be quite important come finals time. Most teachers do not give extra credit for people to catch up later in the semester, so you must start off the course with the right work ethic.
I would tell myself that I better prepare for a whole lot of changes to come my way. That I'm going to need to be alot tougher and not let my roommates walk all over me. While I do meet some nice people by doing volleyball, the coaching experiance is going to be similar to that from high school and that it's ok to quit it finally dispite an overpowering mother.
I would tell myself not to try and be like everyone else, because I wasn't meant to be. Or try to hide my weird quirks, because I was meant to stand out, not to hide.
The advice I would give myself, would be to pay close attention to the facutly members that you will be mostly involved with throughout your college years. This will help you decide whether or not the program or school is for you.
Don't wait to attend college. It only prolongs your future. The first thing you need in life is a career and college is the only way to achieve this. Get a four year degree, two year degree just gets you buy. Do your best and don't let anybody or anything get in your way of acheiving your dream. You will regret it in the future if you quit and give up. Don't prolong going to college because your not ready or you want to settle down with that special someone. Your career is your future of making that perfect relationship last. Stay focused and keep yourself motivated on school, put it first in your life. Everything else will come in time. Join clubs and get to know your fellow students. You will be relying on them soon to accomplish group projects. Have fun while you learn, it makes it more fullfilling. Most of all, don't give up. You can make it, I promise.
I come to this conclusion very easily. I am only seventeen year old and half way through my first semester of college. I have no finacially help except from myself. If i could go back in time I would tell myself to apply for schoalrships more quickly. It is very difficult attending college in fear that I will not have enough money for my next payment and get kicked out of college in return.