Indiana University-Bloomington Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I can't think of anything I wish I had known before coming here.


I wish that I would have known more about the different programs offered at my school. It took me almost an entire year before I decided upon a major and by that time I already felt behind my peers in the prerequisite courses. If I had known more about the individual majors and programs before I started the transition could have been a lot smoother from high school to college. The summer orientation programs would be a good time to offer additional information and presentations on the different majors available.


There was nothing wish I knew, everything is GREAT here!


I wish i had known that you should be prepared for the extra amount of pressure.


I love that I knew so little before going to IU, for everyday held opportunities of new experiences and new people. The only thing I wish I would've known was how hard the transition from high school to college can be. The first month away from home was very hard for me. But as each day passed, I met more and more people who eventually turned out to be some of my greatest friends yet, and while I sometimes find myself missing my family, I have learned to cherish all those times we do get to spend together.


It would have been nice to know that points are allotted for attendance as well as ability.


The extent of its size and lack of variation between student backgrounds.