I wish I would have known how cold it got in the winter. Coming from the south, I definitely did not expect the type of cold whether we encounter in the winter. Although yes, I knew it would be cold, Bloomington is definitely a different kind of cold that I am used to and upon walking outside in the winters, a sense of a sharp chilling breeze always rubs up against your face. This would not have prevented me from going to the school though, I just should have brought warmer clothes!
I wish I would've known to get as invoved as possible. Even if you onl seem half interested in a club, go to the call-out meeting. College is all about building your resume, so get involved!
I wish I knew more about the liviing accomodations in the dorms. Always having my own room at home and being able to stretch out around the room for comfort, I didn't realize the size of the dorm rooms and not having to deal with another person in my space, I wish there would have been more direction in this area on what to expect.
I wish I would of realized that IU is so big, I thought I knew that it is big from coming to orientation, but once you get here and start going to class you realize that it is so big. Trying to get from one class which is on one side of the campus to another class on the other side of campus takes time management.
I wish that I had known how different college would be than high school. Even though many people told me that college was tough, I never quite understood fully until I experienced it first hand. As far as IU specifically, I wish that I had known certain policies better than I did. For example, registering for classes, and deciding on a major, and finding programs that will benefit future career plans would be much easier if I had better and more available sources of information.
I wish I would have had more knowledge about the housing in the Bloomington area. I was initially going to rent an apartment but was talked into sharing a house with 2 other roomates. If I would have researched the area, talked to other students at the University and not have rushed into a decision I would not have been disatisfied with living in a house with 2 other roomates.
How large the campus really is; I walk to class everyday and never see anyone twice. It also helps to know about all of the support groups; coming from overseas, homesickness was more of a problem than I first anticipated.
I wish I would have known how large of a transition it is from high school to college. I was warned by many but did not heed their warnings accordingly. I love being at a large university such as IU, but it was a difficult jump from my high school of 2,000 students to a state school of 40,000.
Be friendly to everyone and they'll be friendly back.
I wish I would have realized how different it is and how alone you can be if you don't make an effort to make friends and get involved.