Best Thing about school is students are able to expand their knowledge as much as possible, from hard skills to soft skills like learship, communication or team-working skills through clubs and organizations in school. Also, there is a survey said that students stay in school tend to be healthier than others because of sports and exercises.
The best thing about my school is its size. There are only a few thousand undergraduate students attending the school so the class sizes are extremely small. the largest class I have taken (which is the laregest on campus) was just under 100 people. This means that the professor and the TAs are able to spend a lot more time with each individual student then at another univesity where the average class size is something like 200 people. Our professors actually notice when someone is not in class and can then do something about it.
The professors are always willing to help students figure out what to do after graduation by making suggestions or giving advice.
I consider the small class size and the overwellming dedication by the faculty and staff to deliver a outstanding education to be the best thing about the Illinois Institute of Technology.
Location!!! Hello! We are in CHICAGO!!! One of the greatest cities in the world!!! There's plenty to do and it is easy to get around!!! Especially with the UPass!!! Adventuring around the city is a great way to have fun!
I think the best thing about my school is that its very easy to get to using public transportation and that if you are serious about studying all the time and you like to learn then you will do fine. There may not be a very good social life out side of school but collaboration does not seem to be a problem. Its actually encouraged and practiced often. Teachers seem to be very knowledgeable accept for the occasional nightmares.
The entire learning experience. From in class to out of class experiences and opportunities.
The best thing about Illinois Institute of Technology is the history behind every single building. Mies Van der Rohe was a famous German architect who designed almost every building on campus. They were all very unique designs and when you walk inside of any building you feel like you are a part of history. The building range from very big and open like crown hall (architecture building) to smaller and compact like the life sciences building. Overall the history behind IIT is the best part of the school and every day being a part of the history is simply amazing.
The best think about this school is the small size and the eagerness of the administration to listen and improve the university. New administration has been coming into the university and trying to improve the overall quality of IIT. It is a very challenging school, but worth the education, but don't expect too much of party school.
The best thing about my school is the emphasis the professors put on learning. They don't emphasize grades as much as they emphisize learning the material. The professors here push every student to learn all they can, even outside the classroom.