Illinois Institute of Technology Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


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the main campus, its big we enjoy study share have fun can hangout anywhere is the college . thats why i like my school.


The best thing about Illinois Institute of Technology is that it is prestigeous in architecture field. In early 20th century, one of the greatest architect named Mies van der Rohe came to IIT and founded architecture curriculum for students. It was important moment because since then, american building styles were influenced by his works. IIT students learn not only in his style but also creates new styles for future buildings. We are smart, artistic and devoting ourselves to great acheivement in architectural field and I am so proud of it.


Teachers want you to succeed and usually try to help you out as much as possible, as long as you come to them when you're struggling.


I really enjoy the location that our school is in. It is located in the south side of Chicago where you can see a nice skyline. The campus has two subway lines that run to it, which is nice when one line has delays or problems. There are transit buses that run through campus and there are multiple ways of driving to campus. This gives the campus a convenient access to commuters of all types. With the exception of the shuttle buses, it is very easy to always have a way to get to school.


The best thing about my university are the professors because they are very helpful. It's odd to say because you would think it's a given that teachers are helping you learn, but I've been to other universities with instructors that aren't very helpful. As much as I respected many, the professors at IIT are very concentrated in their field and they help students develop skills in a way that leaves more for analyzation rather than the literal.


That it is well regarded as one of the best schools for my major, which is architecture. It is also a private school which benefits me , because I'm able to recieve more hands on training and teaching. The teacher staff have a great knowledge for what they are teaching and thier main concern is making sure that you succeed in your studies and in your future.


I like that it's so academically driven, yet there is still a social life around.


friendly and conducive environment.


It's in an urban area ( i.e. Chicago )