Hillsborough Community College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Hillsborough Community College know before they start?


I would tell myself to get started on scholarships and finacal aid asap. Then I would also take more challenging classes in high school to better prepare myself for college.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior, I would definitely tell myself not to be afraid of the changes. Schooling is going to better my quality of life, and I will regret it in the long run if I make any delays in going. I would explain to myself that college life is an experience that everyone should have, and I would regret not getting to have it.


If I could go back to senior year in high school and give myself advice on college life I would start with the importance of finding the right community. A small knit community with a lot of one on one time has always been benificial to me and part of why I love Franklin Pierce University is that it is a small school; you know the professors and you know the students and in turn there is always someone you can turn to. Also I'd tell myself to keep an open mind about fields of study. In high school I knew I wanted to do nothing but English, when I got to college I learned I wouldn't enjoy it in a professional setting. I was lucky enough to have picked a school with other options that worked for me but I've met many other students that were far too narrow with their intended field of study and ended up transferring or quitting altogether because they didn't pick a school with more than one major that might fit in with their personality. People are ever changing and you never know where the next door may lead.


Knowing what I know now about college life, if I could go back in tim and give myself advice I would tell myself that even though I feel I want to take a break and not attend college right away not to do it. It's so difficult to start college and go back to school when you've taken so much time off. Plus by taking a vacation progress towards what you want to do with your life is postponed. I regret not staying at USF when I attended right after highschool. If I would of stayed I would have my 4 year degree by now. I'm 22 and only in my second semester of college. I plan on getting my masters in Business therefore I won't be done with school until im 28. Even though you don't want to start college right away well tough! Don't take a break, stay focused on your long term goal of what you want to do with your life and get college done with so you can acheive your goal!


In my senior year of high school I moved to Tampa, FL from New York. It wasn't like moving to a new city it was moving into a new state where I didn't know anyone or anything. When I met my guidence counseler and she told me most of my credits from my former high school will not be used, I had two options be a junior and graduate the following year or be apart of a performance based program and graudate in May of 2006. After graduation I would have told myself to apply to all the colleges in Florida first, to not take the easy way out and go to community college. If I didn't get accepted to any other schools and still made it to HCC I would have told myself to not miss days of school for work or the boyfriend. To buckle down study on designated days, do homeowork te day it was assigned and use the schools resources more.


If I had the opportunity to go back to high school and talk with myself as a senior I would have plenty to say. The first thing would have been to attend all my classes every day! The second would deffinatly have been to apply for more scholarships in order to recieve more money for college. The advice I would give myself, is that men do not matter, and making choices in your life based on them is the worst thing I could have ever done. Moving to a new city just because of a boy is absolutely ridiculous. I may be happy with my life as of right now; but, in August through November of 2009, I was simply miserable. I believe if given that opportunity, my life as a college freshman may have been easier.


Procrastination is the absolute best way to ruin any chances of succeeding in anything one wishes to accomplish or achieve. Having experienced the destructive powers of procrastination first-hand, I can honestly say that I have missed various opportunities and chances that could have made things easier than they are at the current time. Knowing this, if I could go back in time and converse with with myself as a high school senior, even if for a second, my one plea would be "DON'T PROCRASTINATE!" Then I'd most likely go on in saying how procrastination, in itself, goes about dismissing future possibilities and closing off pathways that could ultimately lead to success in life if not completely banned from the schedule of one who is aiming to do grand things in their lifetime and not just in college. Otherwise you're left at a standstill, wishing for a way out that may never come. All in all, keeping up with the times and working hard to win it all is the best guarantee to a successful and smooth transition into college life.


Life in college is by far the easiest schooling you will ever have, so prepare yourself for the relaxation of college life: study often and absorb all the information you can, because there is a lot of it. Admire the people in your classes, because they will be curious, just as you are. And don't forget to look for scholarships and grants! You don't realize the potential that you have, and basically anyone is entitled to the almost free money they hand out!


I would tell myself to either go to community college first until finding out what major I wanted to do or while going to the community college and/or university- take it seriously and not as a joke because it is very easy to lose a scholarship or have your gpa drop very quickly. Also to utilize every part of the college experience and have fun...life is too short to work and go to school only without any fun added to it.


If I could travel back to my senior year, I would tell myself that the first year of schools is difficult. I should focus on studying because it gets difficult to focus when I have so much extra time on my hands. It becomes slighly overwelming so I should be prepared to get stressed out. I would also tell myself to plan. In order to be succesfull I would need to come up with a "game" plan for the year. Being prepaired is important.