I would tell myself that I need to hang in there. College is just around the corner. Make this year count and do not slack off. You do not want to close the door on any oppertunities. Working hard now will literally pay off. Take the ACT as many times as you possibly can and aim for the best score. Apply for every scholarship there is. Learn as much as you can because everything is meant to prepare you for college. Lastly, enjoy the time you have left with your friends and create memories that will last a lifetime. Take lots of pictures. Think about who you want to keep in touch with and make a pact.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself during my high school senior year i would give myself some very sound advice. The most important advice i would give myself would be not to just transcend through my senior year, but to rather push myself an stride to achieve to my utter most capabilities. I now realize that if i would've pushed myself harder i would have prepared myself for what lied ahead of me in my near and distant future. I now realize that the easy way is not always the best way in the long run. I would have told myself to not drop out of any of my classes when i get in college. And to prepair myself better for the college placement test. I would have better my time by getting all my paper done in the best time and not wait to the last minute to turn in all my paper work. But know i have learn not to play around and do everything three months before its due to get the classes i want and the best teachers.
I believe that everything happens for a reason. I would not go back to change time. I have no regrets and I believe that people need to learn from their mistakes instead of just regretting them. If I had to tell myself as a high school senior what I need to do when college life happens, I would let myself know to study, not procrastinate, and to not give up. I would also tell myself to apply for college much earlier in the beginning of my senior year so I could have a better chance of getting in. Since I did not do these things, I am okay with that. I am satisfied with my college based decisions and I would not change it even if I could.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would socialize more. As an adolescent, I refused to make contact with anyone. I'm self-deprecating and anti-social. I wish I had made friends. Because of my lack of social contact, I have few knowledge of reality. College life is no different for me compared to highschool. I'm cognizant of norms, but I choose to be independent and non-reliant on others. I do wish I had the experience of having a group of friends. Although, education is essential, having friends is pretty significant as well. Working with a group of people can help you extend your knowledge.
I would give myself the advice to stay motivated and to remind myself of what my goal in life is. I would also recommend starting off classes in the afternoon, because I remember my first semester waking up at 6 am to go to school. That was a tough one to stay motivated that early. I also would explain to myself how college classes work, and that I need to keep up with the textbook as the class is going. I also would remind myself to save money and realize that I don?t need the newest book in class to be able to pass.
If I can go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senor, I would give myself a couple of advices. I would tell myself to stay focus in school. Eventhough I am a senior in high school, I have to keep the good grades up because I have to graduate grade school with solid GPA and grades. I would also tell myself to study. If I were to study when I was a high school senior I would have better grades than what I had when i did not study at all. I would tell myself that studying pays off at the end. Another advice I would give myself would be to get more involved in school activities and clubs. I would tell myself that because they are a way to meet new people. I would tell myself to take advantage of the time I have in high school because after high school I won't have time to be in clubs because of other responsibilities I have to take care of.
i would tell myself many thing about college life. first of all i would tell myself to save my money that really caused most of my problems with the transition. Another thing i would tell myself is to enroll in more honor classes.the last thing i would tell myself is to focus more on my school work.
I would say to myself that I have a better chance of helping my family economically. That education is the biggest inheritance one could receive in life. I would also say that educations opens many doors and windows of opportunities. I would encourage myself more in school use my time more wisely and get good grades. I would say to myself not stay wondering but go out and try to reach my goals. I wouldn't be satisfied with my answer of what if I can't do it. For now that I went back to realize that even teacher keep learning and widing their horizons. Why should I be any different? That the only person who can hold me back is myself.
Hey senior, wake up time is ticking. i know that you are enjoying your senior year but its time to get on the ball about collge. im not gonna scare you, college isnt hard but if you dont put your prioites in order it will be very dificult to do well in college. Un like high school college inst free so you need to make sure you have schalorship , grants, and loans to pay for it. Teachers in college are a complete 180 from high school teachers, simply put, THEY DONT CARE. When your in college teachers look at you as an adult, you have to make sure you have a mature attitude. Im not saying dont enjoy your last year in school but realize that your future in a step infront of you.
High school does NOT prepare you for college. Your wiles and charms will not work, there will be no more smiley faces on your papers, and when you get an essay back be prepared to actually receive relative feedback. High school is almost like a day care for older kids, but when you get into college you're on your own to force yourself to learn what is put in front of you. You don't have to read that chapter that you were assigned, but if you don't you're only hurting yourself. If you make sure to get yourself together, sit down and do the work- you could potentially learn more in one semester than you did in your entire high school career. It's enriching, and enlightening as long as you're willing to work for it. And yes, it's totally worth it.