When preparing for college, get ready to for a completely different schedule. There won't be any set periods of time when you may be at school. Be prepared to do work on campus, and being able to do work on campus in between classes. The work load is very different from the work load in highschool. College is much more demanding than highschool is, be prepared to spend a lot of time in classes, and outside of classes doing homework or preparing for the next day. College class times can vary so be prepared to spend an hour in one class, to spending two and a half hours in another. Be flexible when choosing times for your classes, you may not always get the times and the teachers that you wanted. Look up the teachers of classes before you sign up for them. You may get a choice between multiple teachers and you can find the teacher that best suits you. Don't be afraid to ask for help. College teachers are hard and demanding, but they are willing to help you to get better grades. Most importantly, make sure you have fun with your college experience.
Do the same things!
It has been over ten years now since I’ve been in High School and I have some hard earned pieces of advice for my 18 year old self.
I remember being terrified of the transition from home to college life. I also remember being excited for a new chapter in my life to begin. So many things to decide in what seemed like such a small space of time; what school to attend? What did I want to do with my life? If I could sit down with myself back then I would tell her first and foremost to just breathe. Also, it will not be the end of the world if I pick a major and change my mind later. What matters most is to try and do the best I can. I would also remind myself that life is an adventure to experience and it doesn’t always go as planned. I would let her know that going to school is one of the best opportunities I can do for myself and to make sure the decisions I make are what is best for me and not to worry so much about what other people think.
I have had a busy life, and have had two succesful careers. My most recent career was an equestrian trainer and coach. This is a very physically demanding job, so I've decided to change career paths. The one thing that I could look back on now is that I wish I had chosen to change careers a bit sooner. I feel that an individuel always learns something new...everyday, and is fully capable of learning new things no matter their age. I graduated high school 19 years ago, and feel that I am a more mature person now then before and can see the true value of an education more clearly, and the persistence that it takes. I am a mother of three, so returning to college has been a very demanding task, but I am proud that I have chosen to further my education. I also feel that I set an example for my children, who I also hope and encourage to do well in their studies.
Senior year will be a roller coaster, you will lose friends, you will find love, you will succeed in math, and you will be disappointed. Senior year was worth waiting for and now you are so close, just take a deep breath and pace yourself; just because you are accepted in a college doesn't mean it's time to give up. Learn to balance the close circle of friends, the new boyfriend (old best friend), and let go the friends who don't seem to want you anymore. Senior year will challenge you on an emotional level, but this wait will prove to be worth it. Because you will grow so much in such a short time.
My senior year of high school was fantastic, the best that any high school senior could have hoped for. I had great classes, good friends, amazing class trips and tons of fun; however, we all knew it was coming to an end and soon we'd all go our separate ways in life. This was probably the scariest thing to know and not be able to stop, knowing that you may not see your best friends for a very long time, the faces you'd see every day would not belong to the people you grew up with...not to mention the idea of applying for college, scholarships, and picking a major! To be able to return to my senior year of high school, I would reassure my younger self that good times and great adventures lie not too far ahead. I would tell myself to take a deep breath, organize your goals and look to the future with high expectations because you're going to prove to yourself that you can do this and that senior year wasn't the end, but instead a beautiful beginning to a life where you will thrive and learn that nothing is impossible.
Well I'm only a freshman in college so i dont know as much as a senior in college would. If I were to travel back in time to give myself advice on college life and transition, I would first tell myself that college is great because you have so much independence. Second, I would tell myself to get more involved in my high school because it looks great on college applications, eventhough I had lots of community service like I have my girl scout gold award. Third, I would tell myself to start get into studying for tests more beacuse in college everything is so much harder. Finally, I would tell myself to enjoy the last year of high school, but not to be to sad to say goodbye to all your friends, because in college you have so many oportunities to meet new friends who have the same interest in your future career choice!
If I were able to go back to college and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have told myself to not wait on scholarship oppertunities. Once they are gone they are gone and there is no way to go back and change that. I would also tell my self to choose my major more carefully. I was debating the major that I was going to choose and after a quick decision. I am now about to change my major to something that I was considering in High School. I would also recomend that I take more AP classes instead of some of the fluff classes that i took senior year because the ones I took were very helpful and i did get college credits for the ones that I took.
Finish your degree while your mom is still willing to support you. As you get older in life, you will have more responsibilities and it is harder to fit college in your schedule. Furthermore, with a degree, you will be more likely to obtain another job in case something happens where you are currently working. Most jobs these days want someone with at least a Bachelor's degree and even though you may have several years of experience, the degree will give you the upper hand in the application process. Get your degree in what you want to do in life. Don't settle just because of the money you are currently making. Money isn't everything, you have to love what you are doing. Having your degree behind you at an early age is a HUGE accomplishment and it's just one more thing that you can feel good about completing. Stay in school and get your degree now. You can work part time to support yourself but in the end, it will pay off bigger than waiting and you'll have the chance to work in the field that will make you happy.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, and knowing what I know now about making the transition I would definitely tell myself to make sure I continue my education right after high school. To not wait around, also try to figure out what my serious passions are about life so you can pursue them in a great timely fashion for your life. I would also tell myself that the quicker I get to do what I would love for the rest of my life as a career is wonderful preperation for a independent or family life I may have. College life is something to consider tremendously to better your life and also your mind. It helps to encourage, boost esteem, confidence in all aspects of life. Now wouldnt I want to better their life and mind? Of course I would. Now start your college life right after high school and do not wait until 2007 to pursue your career dreams even though its never too late.