So far while being in college I have grown alot, not physically but as a person. Being out on my own I have had to make numerous decisions on my own and learn to take care of myself. Even though I am still young I think that college has taught me a great deal about myself more than anything. It has been extremely valuable because it has opened my eyes to what I actually want in life.
It has been valuable just by the fact that I am the first in my family to actually attend a university or college straight out of high school. And my experience here has first taught me how to be independent. It has also forced me put into practice time managment and proper study skills. So far it has been the best experience I have encountered in my life thus far. I am anticipating what the future at Hampton University has in store for me....
People say that education is useless and people will always question when they will use the information but, is it not better to know than to not? To live without knowledge is like living in absolute darkness because a person cannot go anywhere if they do not even know where they are. Since attending college it has come to attention that I use what is covered in my classes every day. Whether it be that my thoughts of others and my community have changed from my sociology class or that more is known to me about how people grow and how our minds work from my psychology class. Either way as one learns his or her ideas expand and limitations decrease. In order to survive, make yourself known, and to make a difference in this enormous Earth a person must learn. The saying knowledge is power is entirely true because the more one knows the more intelligent, creative, and confident they are. My confidence has increased with every day I attend college and I feel more comfortable with who I am. College has been a wonderful experience so far and I only hope it will get better with time.
I have gotten 3 things from my college experience: independence, appreciation of beauty, and self respect. Independence, every loan is in my name rather then my mothers; so when things go wrong for financial aid I am the one who must take care of it not my mother. I do not have to answer to my mother about my grades or what I am out doing. If i suceed or fail it is all on me. I believe Hampton is the most beautiful campus it is my home by the sea. I am able to appreciate the simplicity of nature now. Also, I am able to see all 4 seasons a luxury I did not have before. I respect myself more because I am a Hampton Woman who has high standards for myself. I must respect myself before a boy can or other women can. This school has been valuable because I have improved so much. I see myself as a better person now. I am doing so much better in school then I was before and this is from the family atmosphere of the University.
Hampton University is dedicated to producing future world leaders. Not only does the university stress the importance of keeping grades to a competitive level , but also the importance of becoming a better person overall. This is where Hampton University differentiates itself from many other schools. Hampton University revolves around progression. Not only is our campus constantly going through changes and improvements, but we students are as well. We have a word we use to describe the Hampton experience; "Hamptonized." To become "Hamptonized" means to transform from the average incoming freshman that is usually considered to be indecisive, self-conscious, unorganized, self-absorbed and unexposed, to the average Hampton man or Hampton woman who is seen as driven, self-motivated, professional, and compassionate. What brings about such change? The Faculty as well as the students themselves; we are constantly reminded that we are accountable for a fellow “Hamptonian.” We actually call each other family! I’m only a freshman and I notice a dramatic change within myself. I am more outspoken, outgoing, and aware of the troubles within my community. My short experience here has made me realize that I can make a change, my future experience will reveal how.
Hampton University has opened me up to so many exciting and interesting experiences. The biggest thing that would support my liking for this university would have to be when President Obama did the commencement ceremony for the last graduating class. Just knowing that the first african american president of the united states was key note speaker in his first year of office was compelling.
I received an education for life from Hampton University.
I have learned through Hampton is that "people will do what they want to do". This means that people in a position of power have the possibility to do just that. Whatever they want. The teachers have the possibility to pass or fail a teacher regardless if the students are doing poorly in the class. The financial aid office has the power to financially clear a student if they owe money for the semester. These are my experiences and they have helped prepare me for the "real world". Hampton's mascot is the Pirates. Pirates from old age were a force to be reckoned with. Hampton molds its students into a fierce individual through its test and trials. Hampton has been valuable to me because I no longer depend on my parents to get me out of a bind or unwanted situation. I now make more opportunities for myself through hard work and effort. Our motto "Good, better, best, never let it rest, until your good is better and your better is best. Everyday I strive to be the best that I can be.
Raised by parents who neglected to go to college has provided me with something quite special: The appreciation of knowledge. Having realized their mistake, my parents have never allowed me to settle for less than my potential and aptitude to succeed. College, therefore, was never option. It was, and has always been my future. The Lost Boys of Sudan probably said it best, "Education is our Mother and our Father" ... "Our parents could be dead, but we see that education will speak on our behalf in the future." Unfortunately, I think most people view their education as finite. They fail to comprehend that we are always learning, and that schools and other institutions prepare us for lifelong learning. My parents poor decision has left my older brother and I with no other way to pay for college except by ourselves. While this has been an emotional, not to mention stressful endeavor for the two of us, it has taught us that, while expensive, academia is truly invaluable. Without altruistic people like you, my dreams of higher learning might very well have been out of reach. Now I can safely say that it is right within my grasp.
My matriculation of college has been a life-changing encounter. I have come to the understanding that education is not about attaining quantitative amounts of information; however it is utilizing the information and demonstrating how it is applicable to daily live circumstances. Through adaptation and maturation, I now have grasped stronger analytical, theoretical and critical skills for research. It is this same skills of research that will assist me in the competency of my career. In addition, I've discovered that adversity can become a dilemma upon the attendance of college. However; it's the presence of a spiritual foundation, the existence of a social life and the reception of a quality education that seems to offset and alleviate the struggle that one may endure. Despite the odds, it is inevitable that college provides an experience that is both memorable and invaluable.