Grand Rapids Community College Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Grand Rapids Community College?


Really there is nobody who shouldn't attend this school if they aren't prepared for college and want to pursue a degree.


do not attend this school if you are looking for lots of hands on, interactive learning.


A slacker thats only taking up space and time , when a person that really wants a education could be in their spot.


A lazy or unmotivated person. You dont have to be Picasso when you start but you have to WANT to work towards it. Art school takes a lot of dedication and time. Per week I spent at least 30 hours out of school doing homework. Art students are typically procrastinators but that is what will really hurt you. Once you get behind in one thing its like your behind in everything and the stress is overwhelming. Do not procrastinate!


One should not determine a school's qualities by stating who SHOULDN'T attend. Anybody who attends any college has at least a kernel of ambition within themselves. Anybody without this morsel of potential shouldn't attend any college, let alone Grand Rapids Community College. The quality of education, the standards of teaching and culture are as great here as any other school you're liable to find, with the great surroundings of downtown Grand Rapids.


In the 2009 year I attended CMU and in this year I am attending GRCC. I am going here to get my general education requirements completed. I think a community college is the best way to save money and get the gen. eds out of the way. On the other hand, I also believe it is very important for a student to receive that first year experience of college life because it allows young adults to find out who they really are when they are out of the nest so to speak.


anyone who is ready and willing to learn. this school is meant for the student who isnt quite sure what they are doing for college major. My suggestion is that you get your general education out of the way so that you can focus on your intended career choices later. Not to mention you get the same amount of education that costs less than a big private school or university. This would make your parents happier.


I don't know; maybe those who don't want to go to a community college. If someone wants to attend this school they schould; I'm a new student but I know that it's a fairly good school with a fair amount of academic and extra-curricular opportunities and it's a great place to start your college experience (if you choose a transfer program.)