Grand Rapids Community College Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Grand Rapids Community College? Why?


The worst thing about my school is that there is no sense of community. The student body is hugely divided, and I do not have a single friend on campus. I would really enjoy being able to live at school.




That our school doesn't provide housing .


What I consider to be the worst thing about my school is the number of enrolled students that come for the wrong reasons. I think this is the worst thing because a lot of people attend school for the money instead of the learning experience. I love learning and coming to schoool to meet new people. I struggled to get money for school and I feel like the money that is given to those students should come to me since I am willing to work hard for it.


The worst thing about Grand Rapids Community College, which is also one of the best things, is the wide variety of people of all ages. Typically, people think college students are right out of high school, however with community colleges older people, who may or may not have been out of high school for a decade or so, have the opportunity to further their education and careers. It's great being able to get to know different types of people, but it's hard when trying to connect with people who have already started their careers, families, and such.


the parking has to be the worst because the school its in the city


The worst thing about my school is that some of it's classes are located in different parts of town and in some cases different cities.


Over all I really enjoy GRCC. I think two year colleges like GRCC are often precieved us "super high school" by some of the students. First year students are so excited about finally being done with high school and being in college they often miss how different college is from high school,. I found this out first hand first semister. Just because it's a smaller campus and you probably know lots of the students it's still college . You are in control of your own success. Take charge of your own education and seek every resource available to you!


A community college does not give the whole college atmosphere, but it is closer to home.