Georgia Southern University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Georgia Southern University?


a lot of white people


So many people on campus running into you while you are walking to class.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the ratio of students to professors on campus. Because there are so many students in comparison to professors it makes it hard for them to grade papers and answer every student's question within the alotted class period time.


Most frustrating thing about my school are that some professors don't like to help a student when there is a need. I feel if I don't understand the assignment I should go to the professor, who has a better understanding of the work; instead of an academic advisor since he or she is the one who gave it out to the students.


Nothing bothers me very much.


The most frustrating thing about GSU is that not all classes are available every semester. When you begin signing up for classes for the next Fall semester, you also have to look to see when your required classes are going to be offered. Most classes within the majors are only offered at one time for the entire semester, or either are not available until two semesters later. This can cause students to graduate later than they had expected.


Trying to stay focused when there are so many activities aroud!


Althought it isn't bad, the cost of school is the most frustrating. It is hard for students who are putting themselves, like me, through school.


Sometimes people are overly-friendly when you just want to be left alone.


The most frustrating thing is the work load. I was used to just hanging out in high school, but here in college I always have something due or something to study.