Begin making plans for financial aid and possible paths of study as soon as possible. You may not know right away what you want to study, but beginning to narrow that field down and take the necessary steps to make those goals become a reality is crucial to succeeding in a college setting. You are literally paying to attend each class, so the more you know about your own interests and aspirations, the less shuffling between majors and less money you'll waste, and the more fun you'll have as you'll be persuing somehting that you actually want to do. Look for jobs during school that have a similar makeup to your future career choice; this will open up opportunities for you when you are applying for internships or looking for careers after school. I would remind them to take their period in school very seriously, and take time to build quality relationships and enrich their worldview and beliefs.
I would tell myself not to stress out too much about picking a major right away. When I started as a freshman in college, I had declared a major right away, but I soon found out that there was more that I was not aware of, and I added a second major my second year in college. Once you get here, you start to find out where you really belong. High school doesn't matter that much in the long run.
Dear me,
Don't freak out, college is not going to kill you. It will be challenging and fun at the same time. Do your work and put in the effort but don't stress about it. Always take some time to just chill out, meet new people and compare different lives. Learning your schoolwork is almost as important as learning from your friends and classmates because you need both to be successful at college and ultimately at life. Work hard, have fun, enjoy the ride!
While you are about to step into the strange world of college life, don't be afraid. Everything will seem new at first, but you will figure things out in no time! Remember that you are going to college for a reason, so stay focused on your goal. Yet, have some good, quality fun. You will meet so many incredible people that you will begin to wonder how you ever survived so long without them. Oh, and be warned, college is a lot harder than high school!!! No worries though, it is possible to achieve the grade that you desire, but don't cheat yourself from obtaining the highest grade possible. Don't sell yourself short from an opportunity of a lifetime. If you ever think that you can't do it, just remember that you made it this far and that there is no turning back. Rule #1: Don't procrastinate! Life if much harder if you do. Rule #2: Enjoy where you are at because few people have the opportunity to go to college. Embrace learning and life, and if you fail, its only because you refused to continue to do what you felt called to do.
How about this one? It has the major I want. This one is a small town, or should I go with the big city university. There are so many things to consider when it comes to finding choosing the college or university that will be the start of "the real world" as you know it. The main thing to keep in mind about it all is, does this fit me? There are so many great schools with outstanding reputations but if it doesn't fir you, then all its credentials are of no value. It's important to find the one just for you.
Things to consider are as follows: private vs. public, and if private than secular vs. religious, small college vs large college, majors that are offered, travel opportunities and acedemics. When looking at a school make a list of what you want first so you can measue them up by your "wish list" Once you find the perfect school, apply and hope for the best.
When looking for the right college of the the first things to look at is to check the list of majors and minors available. Even if you have no idea what you want to do, make sure it has a few options that you may be interested in. There is no point going to a college that offers nothing you want acedemically. If you can, set up a meeting with the head of that department to see what his point of view on teaching are. Do you agree or disagree? Another thing to look for is class sizes. If you are an auditory learner, big class sizes are not a big deal. If you are a kinestetic learner, like most people are, then a school with small classes would be more ideal for you. I would also suggest visiting the school and staying in the area for a day or two. The town life often gives a glimpse at what campus life will be like. A school's town could make or break a school decision.
Well first of all parents make sure the school has a good academic reputation after all you do want to get your moneys worth but I would just say to a student make sure it's a place were you feel welcomed and comfortable being yourself. For me personaly I choose a place where hardly anyone form my highschool was going that way I could just start over and be who I wanted to be and not have to worry about being judged for my past actions. Ultimately I would say make sure it a place you want to be and you are there because you want to be there, not because everyone in your family went there, or because it's one of the top schools in the nation, or because all your friends are going there. Pick one because it were you feel like you can be yourself and, or maybe because you think its a place that you want to just start over, don't worry about friends you make new ones very fast I promise.
Picking a college is about finding a place where you feel comfortable. Honestly, it should feel like home. I know for me, I was worried about making the wrong decision and all I can remember is my dad telling me, "Honey, if you don't like it you can always transfer." I could breathe a little easier, knowing full well that my parents weren't thinking the way I was. They encouraged me to go to a place that was going to stretch me academically, spiritually, and physically. Going to George Fox University, I have found all those things and more. Every year I am astounded by the people, professors, and experiences I have. Without a doubt in my mind, I can say that education is more than just learning and sitting in class, it's about growing into your own skin and knowing there are people to support you along the way.
The best advice I could give to parents and/pr students about finding the right college is to set your goals before you begin your educational search. Too often students want to attend the same school as their friends, only to find out that college now, somewhat, resembles their high-school years. There is too much socializing, time spent away from studying, and often the student or his/or her friends end of dropping about because they weren?t focused on their goals.
Look for a college that suits you, not your friends, or even your parent?s goals. Find out what you truly want to do, and then look for schools that match your requirements. Look for things such as the availability of programs, class size, national awards, sports, and extra curricular activities. Go visit the school, talk to current students, find out about their job placement skills. Check out the dorms ? you will be surprised how small they are! Of course, in the end, money is always a factor, but don?t let that detract you from finding the perfect school for you.
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