Your college career is YOUR college career. Your university experience is what you make of it. No matter where you go. Your degree comes to you as a result of your efforts. Its possible to almost skate through high school and find yourself graduated. College is way more interactive than this. If you pour in poor work, you get poor grades. I have taken semesters lacking ANY extra credit options. You get out what you put in. Be careful about what decisions you let others make for you, even if they are your parents, because the results will be left in YOUR lap.
The first thing I would tell myself is to get a job and really get going on the scholarships. You'll regret it later if you don't.
I would also tell myself that it's ok to not know exactly what you want to do after you graduate. It will get discouraging at times, but you'll get through it. Just keep exploring all of your options and do your research.
Finally, I would tell myself to make an effort to get to know people more than just the first few weeks of school. Have roomie dates and movie nights. Put yourself out there. Don't always wait to be talked to -- make an effort and talk to someone else first. Just be friendly, and be a good friend.
I feel very fortunate to attend a small college. This has given me an opportunity to participate in a small classroom setting as well as have more opportunities for hands on experiences in lab settings. It has also given me the opportunity to get to know my professors on a more personal level, which has made it easier to ask questions and therefore has strengthened my knowledge.
I think attending a small school has it disadvantages, but I feel as though the opportunity to learn is far greater an advantage than all the other opportunities a larger college might have to offer. My college experience has also given me the opportunity to grow as an individual. I know longer have my family and security of home to fall back on. Although these lessons are some times a challenge they are also exciting. Like all life challenges, I continue to learn and grow and look forward to serving other's as a nurse when I graduate.
I have grown up a lot in the past two years that I have been in college. In high school, I never needed to study, because the information came natural to me. In my freshman year of college, I realized the same methods would not work. I had to learn how to balance school, and work. Now that I am approaching the end of my sophmore year, I have learned the delicate balance of work and play. I have improved my grades, and social life. College has been an irreplacable experience so far, and has taught me not only scholarly information, but has led me down the path to finding out who I trully am. College teaches it's students priceless lessons about life, and how to deal with problems. Most of what you encounter in college can be applied to the world that awaits you when you gradute. I have learned countless life skills that will help me wherever I end up after college. I am currently beginning the journey to transfer to a four-year university, and look forward to the new experiences that lie ahead. I am certain that I have the foundation that I need.
I start going to school on January 18, 2011. I am very excited and looking forward in succeeding in being a meical assistant. I believe its going to be worth everything to go into college and stuying thhis career. I hope i get enough help, financially, to complete this goal in becoming a medical assistant.
Academically, my college experience has been everything I expected: the ideal environment to learn the skills relevant and necessary for success in the Computer Science industry. Perhaps even more valuable than the knowledge I've gained attending classes are the more unexpected ways the George Fox community has changed me. Whenever I arrive on campus after spending a break at home I'm filled with an overwhelming sense of peace. I am surrounded by students and faculty who continually live out their faith through action--loving and serving others wherever there is need--and who support and encourage me to develop my talents and share them with the world. Before college I lived in an area known for its violence, gangs and drug culture. Although I was not involved in any of those, the atmosphere was disheartening. In sharp contrast to the community around my home, my college peers have given me hope and fresh perspectives on life while enabling me to overcome deep-rooted fears. I am grateful that my attendence has offered me genuine healing in addition to knowledge, for what good is a scholar who is too broken and fearful to make a difference in the world?
How to take responsibility. Whether I'm late to class, or late to meeting my friends at The Bon, I have to apologize and move on. If I make a loud noise while my roommate is sleeping or don't clean my side of the room for a week I have to tell her I'm sorry and make up for it. And on the nights when I'm exhausted and putting of that 8-page paper, I'm going to be taking my lumps at 2 am, while I'm swallowing whole cups of caffeine just trying to make sense of the notes I've been taking.
In college, though, taking responsibility isn't all bad. We're all here because we got good grades in high school and have goals for the nest phase of our lives. So, now we get to take the consequences for that; good ones. That means, laughing until our stomach hurts, late night Taco Bell runs, learning things we never thought about, and living in rooms the size of a closet completely loving it. The balance with responsibility is evident here, and the lessons I've learned from it is invaluable.
Before I came to college, I couldn't order in a restaurant because I was so shy. Stepping out of my comfort zone and coming to George Fox has taught me how to be brave, build relationships and simply find out who I am, and who I have the capability to be.
I have learner to better understand people and not judge them by their outword appearance. With a Management degree I have had the opportunity to advance myself through my current company then if I did not have my degree. The only thing that I wish I did different was that I wished I completed the program earlier.
I have gotten many important qualities out of my college experience. In high school, I was always an average student. It never used to bother me, but now that I am in college, being an average student and getting average grades doesn't reflect who I really am as a person. I am a hard worker, a respectable person, and a great listener; but these qualities were not shown through my school efforts as much as they should have been. I knew that I was better than that, and that's why I knew I had to make a change that would help me to achieve my personal goals. Not only have my teachers inspired me, but my peers have been a tremendous influence on me as well. I am thankful that they helped me open my eyes to the potential that is in me. I have come to realize that college is such an important learning experience and it is an important step towards my future.