Emory & Henry College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Emory & Henry College know before they start?


My educational year at Emory and Henry College has been a multi-faceted and life-changing experience. As a student/athlete, I had high expectations for success due to the relationships that I developed with staff and advisors prior to enrollment. I have learned to budget my time and to expand my horizons, I have developed friendships and experiences that will mold my future, and I have found an interlocking relationship with God that has allowed me to develop tolerance and patience with pitfalls of life. I am a better person and student from learning to trust myself and others.


I have been so grateful to attend Emory & Henry College. This college is not an easy college and the workload is not small. You must put all of your time and effort into completing assignments and studying for exams. I know that I put into my academics as how much I would like to get out of it. I work for my grades and I know that I have earned my degree when I have finished. I am also grateful that Emory & Henry allows me to get a degree in the field that I have always dreamed of. When I graduate from this school I will have my Masters Degree in Education with a focus on Mathematics and including a Special Education Endorsement. If I never attended this college I would not be reaching my goals of being a Math Teacher. I have learned so much from the classes that are offered here. Not only have I taken Education or Mathematics classes, I have also taken many liberal classes, such as Religion, Music, and Photography. This school has made me a more rounded student and has given me a better view of the world.


At Emory and Henry College, I have grown in many ways. I have learned to take better care of myself mentally, physically, and emotionally. I have made many friends that I feel will be lifelong and I've really became comfortable talking to others. I have begun preparing myself for the life I have planned ahead of me and I feel that with the education I am recieving I will be able to manage any situation life brings me. I feel that I am prepared to think critically about questions that others may answer in a simple manner and I feel that this will better how I live my life. I think that Emory and Henry has taught me to be an independent thinker and to speak my mind when the occasion is appropriate so that I may better contribute to my community. Emory and Henry College has allowed me to explore different courses that I may have not taken if I went to another college and it has really helped broaden the spectrum of my knowledge.


In my college experience I have acquired knowledge that will prove useful to me throughout my life. This knowledge includes the ability to form sound arguements, conduct experiments and effectively speak in front of others. I have also gained friends that I will have with me for the remainder of my college career and maybe into my later life. College is an unforgettable experience that I will have with me for the rest of my life and I can draw upon some of these experiences to aid me in my future career. These are only a few of the many reasons that I love the college that I attend and why this experience is so valuable to me.


Even before starting kindergarden, I have always had a desire to attend college. Coming out of high school, I had no idea what college would be like. I was extremely nervous on my first day. I was afraid what the professors would be like and how difficult my classes would be. I did not know what the road held ahead of me. After I had completed my first day of college, I already knew that I absolutely loved it! Finishing my first semester, I realized that I had gained so much from the first few months. My college experience has given me so much independence that I thought I would never have. I have learned much more responsibility to go to class and do my work on time without having anyone to tell me to. I have also learned to be more outgoing and make more friends than I have ever had. It has been very valuable for me to attend college, because I have learned much more than what I have learned in my field of study. College has been worth all the hard work and time for the life lessons that will stay with me through life.


As humans, we struggle with determining our divine purpose in life. Many are content with ordinary but a select few strive to significantly impact society. Attending college is a journey to discover ones’ self and purpose. It is an enlightening voyage in which an individual determines which group he or she is destined to belong to; the influenced or the influential, the elite or the masses. Contrary to popular belief, college is not only a four year venture in search for a prominent career and better wages. It is also a struggle to understand what makes life worth living. My college experience thus far cannot be measured in monetary value. The morals bestowed, lessons learned, and lifelong relationships created give higher education a value that tuition cannot justly compensate. I have learned to tolerate different people and cultures, cherish family and friends, and gained the ability to compromise which is necessary to compete in today’s global economy. The encouragement, confidence, and support I received while attending make my few semesters a climatic stepping stone for my future success. Attending college is the wisest choice an individual in search of a fulfilling life can make.


When thinking about what I have gotten out of my college experience, I think of a lot of things: friends, independence, valuable information & knowledge, but most imporantly, I think of experience. In the education field, I have been required to observe different types of schools and grades. I have even had the opportunity to tutor classroom which allowed me to read in front of an actual classroom filled with kids. Through experience and actually practicing the skills I was being taught, I have become more sure that teaching is the job for me. In addition, I was able to practice the skills and teaching techniques that I was studying with a classroom instead of with just fellow classmates. Experience is the most valuable thing that colleges can offer because in order to truely know something and actually be able to use it, a student most have practice, and what is a better way of practicing a skill besides using it in a real life situation where things that could go wrong, actually does go wrong? Students learn from their own mistakes and achievements; thus, experience is the best thing that I've gotten from attending college.


The college experience for me has been short-lived but still has taught me numerous, valuable lessons. The college experience has taught many lesson through the years of living on your own and being responsible but for me the biggest college learning experience was managing my money. The college life is generally about spending money and going out to enjoy the time you have with your frineds while not in the real world. The college experience has really taught me to use my money wisely and keep track of my checking account and not rely on my parents to bail me out of money situations because it is time to grow up and start acting like an adult in the real world.


I think what I have gotten out of my college experience is a real sense of pride. Before I came to college, I was very apprehensive as to whether or not I thought I could make it all the way through my schooling. After making the Dean's List in my first semester (which everyone has told me is the hardest), I felt very proud of myself for making it over one of the biggest hurdles in life. Since making the Dean's List, I have much more confidence in my academics and in my abilities to succeed in school as well as in life. Additionally, I think that I have gotten a real sense of friendship out of college. I have found friends here, in just one semeter that would do anything for and I would do anything for them and I have learned that a true friend like that is something that cannot easily been replaced. Because of these reasons, it has been valuable for me to attend college because I am able to say that I am proud of the work that I do and that I love the friends that I have.


Emory & Henry is a very special place. It has totally changed my life for the better, and I've only been attending for one semester. In that time I've made lifelong friendships, gained a vast amount of knowledge, and have enjoyed every minute of it. The professors here really are invested in our education, and they make classes exciting and inspirational. Going into college I wasn't sure where I wanted to go in life and what I wanted, but after experiencing community service and working in the schools garden, I've found my calling. That calling was the environmental studies program. In that class I learned how to monitor streams, what are the problems in the environment, and the importance of local organic food. Although these are just a few things I learned, they have inspired me to stand up for the environment. At this point in time I'm pursuing a degree in environmental studies (B.S). I feel that I wouldn't be doing as well at another school because I wouldn't of been as involved like I am at Emory & Henry, and I hope to spend my next three years here.