The fact that the President relates so well to and is genuinely loved by all of the students, faculty and staff. There is a real sense of community and family in both individual departments and across the entire campus. It starts to feel like more than just a "home away from home" and very quickly just becomes home.
I like to brag about the fact that everybody is really close with each other at Eastern. It is a small school and a small campus and while many would consider this a disadvantage, I consider it an advantage because it forces you to meet new people when you first come. Overall, having a small campus is nice because there is less trecking through the snow storms and the rain to get to class.
When I brag about the school it's about the location. It is very close to home for me. Instead, of being far away from from family and life long friends, I rather be close to them during this journey. Their programs are great to major in Environmental Science.
I probably brag about how small the classes are compared to their class size. At Eastern we have an average class size of 18-22 students in each class, and some of my friends have huge lecture halls of students ranging from the numbers 100-500. I also brag that I get to know my Professor's better because of the class size. At Eastern, students get to really get involved with their Professor's because of the size of the class. I really like how I can go up to my Professor, and they help me with my problems.
I typically brag about the size of my classes as well as the university. A lot of my friends go to large universities that put a great distance between their dorm room and their classrooms. They also have to deal with competing for their professors attention where I do not have that problem. Most of my professors know me by my first name and I have taken many of them for more than one course. I think a smaller campus helps when it comes to getting letters of reccomendation and having help with your work.
I am strange guy I am more focused on how I can help people. Thats the people I surround myself with. Thats what we brag about . Like how who can think abou the next activity that will benefit the whole community and the students lives after they graduate from school . Also about who got the coolest professor and the coolest class.