Connecticut College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Connecticut College know before they start?


It is important to keep in mind that what you are willing to put into a school is of great importance. It is not only the school's job to give to the students. There are many schools at which each student could be very happy, and having the idea that there is 'one perfect school' may just cause heartache and frustration. Find several schools tat which would be willilng to try hard academically and socially, and that you think could meet your efforts to give you back a good environment. Once you get to school it is important to put yourself into as many new experiences as possible. If the school is providing a lecture or a club meeting, its a great opportunity to branch out. If you never step out of your comfort zone you wont make the most of school.


In order to find the right college, you have to visit different campuses. This is really helpful in getting a feel for what you do or don't like as far as size, location, etc. In order to make the most of the college experience students should rememember why they are there, but keep their minds open. You never know what you might discover when you are in college. Your major might change if you discover a new passion. But be willing to try new things.




The way to find the right college is to go and look. When you set foot on that campus for the first time, if it doesnt feel right or you cant envision yourself living and studying there, its not right. In the end, its a ut feeling, you'll know the right one when you're there. You cannot pick the right college out of a book.


Go to a school where community is important and where your kids are forced to interact with others and learn how to balance their interests with the interests of others. Your kids should learn how to challenge the assumptions they enter college with so they learn how to think about themselves, the global community and their lives as they move forward.


If you have specific interests, make sure the college you choose will accomodate them. Visit the campus, observe a class, ask the students you meet what they think of the professors, academic work, department you're interested in, extracurriculars and social life. Get involved on campus and try new things. Be open to new ideas, dabble in different disciplines. Take advantage of what the college has to offer. Don't be afraid to ask for help.


Make sure to start visiting and interviewing at as many colleges as you can starting sophmore year in high school.


think hard.


When you visit the campus, invision yourself living there, making friends with the people you see there. Go to a school that offers oppurunities that interest you! Once you are there, try to always be making new friends and trying classes that you thought you might not otherwise have been interested in


I think that the feeling one gets when first visiting a college is often what leads to the top choice for a college. It is easy for a high school student to get carried away thinking of what their life will be once at college. It is vital however to check this exhilarating rush and look back at sources detailing other students experiences at the college of your choice. It is critical to veiw sites and surveys such as this which give a detailed report of how other students have experienced the transition of veiwing the school as it advertizes itself to the reality of the college. Good luck with your search and know that college's often provide realative flexibility for students to create the collegiate experience they desire.