Connecticut College Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Conn's social life is evolving every year. Some of the most popular events on campus are : Floralia, Festivus, Winter Formal, Sports games, Diwali and some other events. Even if you don't come to Conn Floralia is something that you have to experience. It is a day of outdoor concerts and drinking, and it is the best day of the year!


Everything is surrounding drinking and hooking up


Club Rugby is one of the most watched sport. The teams have a bit of a reputation for being fraternities. Ski Team is the best because its coed. Doors are sometimes open, depends on ht dorm. Atheletic events are not popular because we suck, except for soccer and the ConnColl-Coast Guard hockey game. No frats on campus, thank God! Last weekend was Floralia, honestly the greatest event of your life. Everyone brings their furniture out on the green and spends the day hanging out and drinking(if they so choose). On a Saturday night you can go to an event hosted by a club or a dance. If you have a car you can go to a bar downtown or one of the casinos. What do students expect to do at 11pm on a Saturday? I never understood that. I come from a small town where everything closes at 9, after that you hang out in someones room. The fact that we have events, dances, and food allows you to get out of your dorm, but I never understood what people do on big campuses or in cities.


My favorite activities are the comedy shows or theater shows. I'm not really drawn to the guest speakers, although I hear that there are many great examples. Dances are popular, but there should be better themed dances. People party a lot, sometimes too much, which can be a little annoying. It is possible to have fun without drinking, such as going to a dance, going off-campus, or creating fun within one's room. I met one of my best friends at an improv-comedy workshop and I met another on a bus to a beach trip. A game was recently set up called Humans Vs. Zombies which did a really great job with allowing students to interract with other students and find similar interests. Unfortunately, this game was set up towards the end of the year, when many seniors are graduating, so hopefully they'll set up another game at the beginning of next year.


There are a lot of clubs to get involved with and I suggest you do because you can meet a lot of friends through them. I do club lacrosse and it is so much fun. The club sports are much less competitive than the varsity sports, but they still play other schools. People attend the theater events and musical events as much as the athletic events so it is nice that students attend everything and support everry aspect of the school. I met my closest friends through my dorm and lacrosse. People usually party twice a week, on Thursday and Friday. We have camelypics (interdorm competitions) and floralia (music festival) every year and they are widely attended and rerally looked forward to. There are usually events going on however, that are fun sober as well.


Weekends are saved for parties and drinking. Thursday and Saturday nights are the big party nights, and it is not difficult at all to drink if you want, and the punishments are not that harsh if you are caught drinking underage. However, if you do not want to drink, there are plenty of things going on that do not involve alcohol. There are always campus events on the weekends, and many students just hang out. There is also a substance-free dorm and a couple of floors that are sub-free. I live in the sub-free dorm and don't plan on leaving for a while. Living here, it is always easy to find somebody that wants to have some sober fun. We have smoothie parties, movie nights, game nights, go to dances, or head to town. The other wonderful thing about this dorm is that it does not feel like an institution. All the dorms have their own character, but in many of them, you never get to know your neighbor. In my dorm though, most people open their doors, at least once in a while. I know everyone by name and have had a conversation with most of them. The campus is pretty quiet Sunday through Wednesday, and while most people are up late, they are just struggling to get their work done. Come Thursday, though, the scene drastically changes and there are things going on everywhere.


A lot of people play sports because it is such a small school. Those who dont play sports probably work out. I am involved with Habitat for Humanity. People in the club can do a local build on saturdays and we go on a trip over spring break. Athletic events are becoming more popular. There is some dating on campus and a lot of hooking up. My closest friends are my teamates and my freshman year roomates. If im awake at 2am on tuesday im studying or possibly partying but probably not. I also could be up taking with friends. People party typically twice a week. However, there are some people who do three or four nights and some who dont party at all. Most people drink. No frats or soroities, sports teams take the place kinda. There is not much to do on saturday night if your not drinking.


My extracurricular of choice is a cappella music. I belong to a group called Vox Cameli (our pseudo-Latin meaning "voices of camels"). There are five other groups on campus, including the Conn Artists, the Williams Street Mix, and the CoCo Beaux. Each group has a concert in the fall and in the spring, and throughout the year there are a few concerts in which all the groups perform. Attendance is usually good, especially at the all-group shows. Conn doesn't have any fraternities or sororities, but in some ways allegiance to one a cappella group over another can include a similar sort of rivalry. Aside from the numerous a cappella groups, the Renewable Energy Club is probably the most visible organization on campus, and the events they put on are always well-attended. Twice a year they sponsor a Blackout Night, when everyone turns off their lights and hangs out outside listening to music, dancing, and saving energy. Students here definitely know how to have fun, and many students drink religiously every Thursday and Saturday night. I can honestly say, however, that it's possible to have a really good time on the weekends without drinking. There are dances almost every other weekend sponsored by the Student Activities Council, and most weekends it's hard to do everything there is to do. Between theater performances, dance shows, concerts, regular Thursday night dorm-sponsored activities, and special speakers, the campus community is alive with more things than students sometimes realize.


Students definitely left their doors open in the beginning of the year which helped everyone get to know each other. I suggest leaving your door open or just walking into an open door and introducing yourself. You have to be outgoing to meet people, they aren't just going to come to you! I met my closest friends in my dorm and on my swim team and in my orchestra group. People party twice a week, thursday and saturday nights. We don't have frats or sororities which is great!!!!!!!!


Some students leave their doors open to make socializing easier. Also, attending the athletic events and shows with friends is a popular activity. People party in their rooms or sometimes rooms are rented out for parties. Dances are also an easy way to have fun with your friends and still stay on campus.