Coastal Carolina University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Coastal Carolina University know before they start?


Knowing what I know now, I’ll tell my high school senior self three notions. The first notion is reminding myself that this is what all my prayers regarding to the next step in my life resulted to- the college that fitted me most and where I can expand into the person I choose to be. I will tell myself that it’ll be a challenge rebuilding my understanding around making a new home at college. However, if I keep the lessons I learned from my parents and role models, that challenge will be nonexistent. Finally, the last thing is that I'll tell my high school senior self is to not be afraid to be myself. By being myself, I will be connect with students and staff members who’ll fuel my ambition to achieve my future goals.


If I could give myself any piece of advice during high school I would tell myself to learn how to really study more. Throughout high school I never knew exactly the right ways to study. I mostly looked over the materail unstead of actually learning and studying the notes given. In college with all of the information that is presented it is hard to look over notes, students actually need to learn the topics. So far I've learned that studying and paying attention in class are the two most important ways to maintain good grades in college.


Get more scholarships. Don't get fustrated with the high school just keep re-sending information. Above all else aply gor schollarships.


Knowing what I know now, I would have done a lot of things differently in high school. First and foremost, I would have put more effort in my classes and joined more extracurricular activities to improve my trascript and experience. I would have taken the initiative to apply for scholarships and higher level classes to lessen my work load in college. I would tell my self to take high school more seriously and to strive more and get involved more. To not only enhance my experience through out high school but broaden my mind to different things.


I would tell myself to get in the habit of studying everyday. I know that the parties and activities sound so exciting but getting your test back and seeing that you failed is a quick way to ruin your whole week. I would also tell myself to get out of my comfort zone that you need to go out there and make friends, join clubs, go to different events and shows, and do things I always wanted to do but was to afraid to. College is all about finding yourself and you can't do that stuck in your room or only hanging out with your one friend. Plus it gets really boring really fast. The last advice I would give myself is to just go out and have fun. Don't worry about what other people think of you because their opinions don't matter. The only person who needs to love you is you and everyone else is just extra.


i would tell myself to do more research on the colleges in south carolina and to apply to all the schools i could.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself that to go into college with an open mind. Remeber to always make time for yourself and to not let the school work stress you out. continue to do well but have fun and make memories that will last the rest of my life.


The best advice I could give myself is to focus on what you want to do and surround yourself with people with ambition and drive that are going in the direction you strive to go. Try not to get overwhelmed with what you don't know while getting excited about learning anything new. Life is built on experiences, so make the best of all of yours. The choices that you make can and do make you who you are, so make good choices. When you do make the wrong choice, because you will, own your mistakes and learn from them. That is the only way true growth will occur. Forgive, love and smile as often as possible and without limits. Chase your dreams and never lose faith in the world. The world can be a sad and scary place, but you alone can make a huge difference just by being hopeful and spreading positive energy to all those you come into contact with. Take time to listen and learn from both the younger generations and the older generations. Their ideals and experiences can open your eyes and heart to things you may never know.


If I were able to ever go back in time to inform myself of how to prepare for college life, I would start off with telling myself to fill out as many scholarships as I could if i was eligible to! I used to procrastinate with writing the essays to scholarships and now I wish i would have just did it. I would also tell myself to learn how to study, never procrastinate, expand my vocabulary, pay attention to the all of the details in every subject that I learn, and never take anything I learned for granted. The teachers in high school are totally different from my professors in college and I appreciate all that they did for me in high school.


If I could go back to my senior year I would tell myself to take college credit classes. To help ease my self into the higher demand of college classes. I would make sure I joined a lot of clubs and activities to expand my resume, to help me gain higher positions in my clubs and job at college. I also would recommend knowing at least one person before heading away to school, because it is always nice to have someone by your side when you are far away from home.