Making the transition from high school to college was a big step for me and is a big step for anyone. The advice I would give myself is to be smart, manage your time, get involved, and be productive. You must be smart in college especially if you are away from home, you don't want to get in trouble or involved in situations that can affect your future. You learn how to be independent and provide for yourself. Time management is very important you need to learn to balance out your social life as well as school work. Stay involved with sports or volunteer work it keeps you out of trouble, involved with your school and community, and meet new people. Remember to take time for yourself, college can be stressful with the heavy work load, studying and papers. Work out, join a yoga class, or do something that you enjoy to help escape from the homework. Also remember to take care of yourself. Eating healthy and getting the nutrition you need is important in college to stay focused and preform at your best. College allows you to watch yourself grow into what you want to become.
Take the schoolwork serious. There are times where you are going to want to do other things but you have to make sacrifices. Be balanced. Be active. Manage your finances well.
If I can go back and time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to join more clubs and attend more events. It's ok to do so. Making A's and taking additional hours than required amount is great, stay on that path but don't forget you can go out and have fun once in a while. You become the President of the psychology club but go ahead and join that surf club, ceramics and dance class.
I would say dont worry about college and dont be nervous about classes either everything is going to turn out alright and you are going to have a great time at college. I would also had told myself to keep studying hard and keep doing good.
Be determined. It may be your senior year and you want to have fun, but you need to prepare yourself for college. You may have your parents to take care of you now, but you need to be ready to take on the real world by yourself. College is not the easiest, but if you work hard and stay determined you will do just fine. There are many temptations and people that will try to distract you, keep your eye on the prize and stay focused. If you are open minded you will make life long friends and have a great time in school. Grades are important, but don't forget to enjoy your time in school. Good luck! Be the person you want to be not the person people want you to be.
Work hard at everything you do. The more effort you put in the more you will get out of it. Hard work pays off and does not go unnoticed, even if it seems like noone sees your efforts.
I would tell myself to do three very important things that would make the tranistion easier. I would tell myself to show up to class every class period. If you miss one class it could throw you behind in your studies and it may be information that is on the next test. I would also tell myself to get ready to apply myself more in college. In high school the classes were so easy to me so I didn't really have to try very hard. The last thing I would tell myself would be to visit all of your professors during office hours. Some of your professors rarely ever get students who go to their office hours and they are more than willing to assist you if you have any questions or if you just want to chat for a few minutes.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would definitely tell myself to take every opportunity I could on scholarships and grants. Knowing what I know now, having to take out loans is a lot of money. Then interest rates are going up on loans which means we will have to pay more money back. Scholarships will help with taking out less loans because I would not have to pay the money back. I would also tell myself to join some clubs around the campus or do volunteer work. All of that looks really good on your resume.
I would tell myself to make new friends as soon as you get to college, get to know your roommates because they might become some of your best friends and biggest supporters. I would also tell myslef to stay in contact with your friends back home. Just because you're now off in a new place meeting new people does not mean that you have to lose contact with those you grew up with. I would also tell myself that there are times when you need to tell yourself it's ok to stay in and study and get your homework done. You do not need to go out every night or every weekend it not only can be a waste of money but it can also end up costing you your GPA.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself pre-college, I would tell myself to appreciate everything that I won't have once I go to college. For instance, my parents being right by my side or not having the stresses of financial problems. Also, enjoy not having a heavy work load because once you get to college it's hard work to keep up with the amount of work you have for every class. The last thing I would tell myself is to always appreciate the little things, because once you are in college, the little things that were always there before might not be present anymore.