City College of San Francisco Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about City College of San Francisco!


CCSF is not only big so it gives a sense of a 4 year college but the teachers there, I feel, really care. I've gotten attached to some and still speak to them and ask advice after I've completed their classes. There so many different people around and a lot show their spirit and love for the school. People are social but I notice many are focused on studies and getting a education to better themselves.


City College of San Francisco is unique because it has many different campuses throughout San Francisco, which is very convenient for all people who would like to attend a college in San Francisco. Other schools that I had considered where UC's but unfortunately, going to a UC is very expensive unlike CCSF, which is very affordable. I get a wonderful education and work towards my goal of transferring to a UC after achieving my AA degree.