Jane, the most important thing I can tell you to do is to save your money! You think you will be fine with your small savings account, but it will be gone after your first year. You need to save the money you are earning right now, and not spend it on clothes and things you don't really need. If you save it, you will have more money to pay for tuition and housing, and you will not regret it! You also should apply for all the high school scholarships you can. Also, don't worry about boys or the friends you have now. You will meet many new and fun people. Just remember to be yourself, and have fun! And don't worry about what people think of you, because it won't matter at all in a year. The biggest things I have learned to college, that I would tell myself in high school is that I need to save my money, and spend wisely. It doesn't matter what people think of me, as long as I have good friends and a good family. Have fun, study hard, and be ready to meet new, amazing people!
First I would be talking to myself as a high school freshman.... Lace, hang in there, slow it down a notch and relax because you may not know it now but you can do anything you put your mind to and by staying in school and continueing your education through college you won't have to age your soul faster than your years and put yourself through unspeakable changes. Do this for yourself, you'll really dig it and it's not as difficult then where you are now because if you don't you are going to find yourself an old woman who relized she had potential in making a difference and because she had wasted alot of valuable time spent locked away in her own stupidity that she found herself dreading that time would run out before accomplishing her goals. And Lace trust me, nothing feels more wonderful then to know deep inside that you did it and you are worth it, because nothing can feel so awful in knowing of wasted time.
The main thing I would focus on would be to not procrastinate. College has a larger homework load, so it is necessary to prioritize your time because it is a lot easier to get all your homework done, so you can have time to relax and you don't have to stress about it. When you get homework done early you can have time to revise it and make sure that it is well done instead of quickly finishing it and turning it in right before the deadline. Not procrastinating also helps with the necessary need to get more sleep. When you receive more sleep it is then easier to focus in class and to focus while doing homework. College is expensive and you can't live off your parents your whole life, so learning to prioritize your time will help when you have to work while going to college and still be able to keep good grades. I also think it is important to have time to just relax and have fun with your friends every once in awhile because our bodies and brains need a break, so work your hardest, but have fun and enjoy the experience.
I would tell myself not to just breeze through this last year and to make it count. Getting into a good college is not as easy as getting into high school. A high GPA will open up many doors that will contribute to my success. Stay focused on school and a career and not boys!
Dear Self, I am writing you this letter and sending it back to September of 2008. You are a senior at Mountain View High School. I know you are excited to graduate. You are working on your application to BYU. Don't worry, you don't get in the first time you apply, but try again and don't give up. Remember that you are smart no matter what your GPA says. Remember that you are unique no matter what people tell you. Remember, you can do anything. College life is different. Yes, it is hard, but it is worth it. There are a lot of people. A lot of competition. Don't let it go to your head. Keep your focus in your heart. Do the things that you are passionate about. Forget the status quo and follow your instincts. Nobody knows you like you know yourself. You know what is best. Remember to counsel with the people you love. They can give you insights that you would never imagine. Remember to love and be loved. Don't be afraid. Fear will be your barrier. Knock down the barrier and let people see you becuase you are great.
First off, I would advise myself to take my high school course load more seriously. I passed all the AP/IB tests, but I didn't get the grades that could have gotten me better scholarships. Secondly, I would advise myself to learn better time management, I thought it was hard in high school, it only gets harder in college with all that goes on. Thirdly, I would have encouraged myself to make more of an effort to meet new people, in high school I generally stuck with my closest friends, that doesn't work so well in college where everyone is a new face. Fourth, I would tell myself to get a better idea of what I want to do with my life before getting to college, it would really help in not wasting any time or classes at the university. Lastly, I would tell myself to NOT WORRY, college is fun. :)
Practice now (while in high school) to stay focused and work hard in school because it will become a habit and the transition into college won't be as challenging to pick up the college pace.
Form good study habits now! It is easy to slide by in high school especially when you go to such a small one, but it will pay off immensely in college. Don't merely do the bare minimum requirements; know the materials that are expected of you and be able to apply them. Ask questions! Even if it seems like an obvious one. Don't just seek to get straight A's, seek to gain knowledge and become learned and wiser. A grade is just a letter and won't mean a whole lot in the future, but the knowledge you acquire will stay with you forever and you will benefit from it for the rest of your life. When you do get into college, plan ahead. As soon as you sign up for your classes, print out all of your syllabi and shedule assignments and test dates into your planner BEFORE the class even begins. Do your readings before each class period so you won't be lost in the dicussion that day. It becomes very easy to get behind and discouraged so stay on top of things magage your time wisely!
If I could go back in time as a high school senior, I would listen intently to all the advice my teachers gave me. I would study hard and be a serious contributer as a student in the classroom. There would be less time spent socializing and more time developing great study habits that would carry me into college. I would research colleges to attend and be resourceful in finding means to afford college without placing heavy burdens on my mother. If only I could go back and be a better person to many whom I took for granted or just downright mean to, I would love to take those moments back and make all the wrong that I have done to make right. I would be helpful to those who were less fortunate than myself and not be so caught up in my vanity. I would be more considerate of my mother who struggled to care for my brothers and I by taking school seriously and making her proud. I would do more to serve my family and those around me, instead of myself . I would have loved to have Jesus in my life then rather than later.
The best advice I could give to myself is to be prepared and to focus on my high school academic school year.
When you are prepared, you will work two-four years before college to save money for the cost of books, room and board and meal plans. If you follow this rule, you will alleviate some of your stress, which at that point, you will find yourself more focused in your school work.
As a senior you should set a standard for yourself by developing your knowledge and skills in school. You develop this knowledge by studying, seeking help from your counselors/teachers, taking college prep classes and being prepared for the ACT and SAT's. If you stay on this level, this will help you transition smoothly, which in turn, will lead you to success.