Apply for every scholarship you can. Look a little more into where you want to go, dream big and work hard. You can achieve anything you want as long as you're willing to put work into getting there. Shoot for the stars and dream of going beyond.
I would jump at the opportunity to give my high school self some college advice. After finding myself I would say, “College will come quicker than you think, so act like time matters! Here are five important tips to remember: 1) Video games are a waste of time. They may be fun, but they provide no satisfying reward or memories. People provide the real memories. 2) Start learning about scholarships now – they are a much better way to fund college than loans. 3) Learn to enjoy learning, and learn to study difficult topics. These go hand-in-hand because enjoying the process makes difficult things much easier to learn. 4) Start thinking about what you want to do as a career now, and that will save you lots of time and effort in “exploratory” college classes. 5) Remember that your choices now and in college will determine the type of person you’ll be later. Decide now: will you be honest? Will you be dependable, hard working, and have discipline? If you make these decisions now, you won’t have to agonize over the answer every time you’re tempted to be less than your best."
Figure out a plan and stick with it! Shoot for the stars, and if you have to, pick yourself up again after a fall! At least you'll have that much distance behind you in the future. Plan out a schedule; and no matter what anybody else says, don't changeit! There isn't enough time to juggle and shuffle classes, don't be indecisive in such matters. When there's less than a month untill school starts, have a for sure way of paying for tuition and books, not to mention all the food expenses. What I'm trying get at is that you'll need a job, a good steady job. Work at it like there's no tomorrw, for once you're out there, you are on your own. Which means you'll be responsible and accountable for all the actions that you make, and all the actions you don't make, if you know what I mean. Don't lose time messing around with trivial matters when there are assignments to be completed, and work to be done!
Grades really matter in senior year. You should have listened to your instincts at the beginning and dropped that Calculus class you knew was going to be a struggle, because failing the class cost you a really good scholarship. And your social life? It's not going to magically materialize when you get to college! Talk to lots of people and try to get to know them better! You're going to need better social skills when you head off on your own. And you will survive without Mom's cooking. It's easier than you think.
Save your money! And focus on the most important things in life. Your priorities will change as you get older so you want to be prepared for anything.
I would tell myself that it is very important to study and learn as much as you can because it doesn't get any easier in college. You need a good education in order to get a good job. Study hard and don't party all the time.
Well I have not attended college yet, I will in the fall, but I would have told my high school senior self to get a job and start saving up money for college. It is becoming a stressful thing to deal with, especially with tuition due just around the corner.
I would tell myself not to stress out and worry so much about things that were out of my control. I would tell myself to enjoy the journey and to enjoy spending time with my family and friends and teachers, as everyone will soon move into different paths and things won't be the same as they are now. I would also tell myself to keep an open mind and not to resist change, but to embrace it, and to learn from it.
If I could go back to myself as a high school senior and give myself advice about college, I will tell myself to not allow anyone to make my decision for me, and that the little things in high school will no longer matter. One of the hardest things about moving away to college was leaving behind my friends and family, but as I have moved here I have learned that the world is so much bigger. There are so many opportunities in this world and if we take hold of them we can accomplish anything. It is important to follow your dreams, even if they are big ones, and don't let anyone tell you that can't. Also, don't be scared to go out of your box and try something new. Taking the step into college can be scary, but once you get here, and if you allow it to, so many doors of opportunity will open to you. So don't be scared, and know that the things that go on in high school are so small when compared to what lies ahead.
You don't know everything. Living on your own is a completely new experience, and mom and dad aren't there anymore to bail you out when you make mistakes that before were seemingly harmless. Money runs out fast, be so careful with it. Nothing is more important than your academics, even though you burned yourself out already don't give up when you start college. The classes are going to be so hard, you can no longer get away with not studying for a test on occasion. Never ever ever say the words "I'll do my homework later." Do it right away, get it done, and then move onto other activities if you want. Eat healthy, exercise regularly. It will make you happier and you'll be able to perform better in all aspects. Not everything has to be perfect, learn to love and accept life for its flaws as well as its perfections. Learn from everything, and most of all, never give up. You can always turn your life around, no matter how lost you may feel. Depend on God, always, He will never forget you so be sure to never forget Him.