academic advising and trying to get into the classes that you want. There are alot of people that you are competing with.
I've been very happy with the school, but the most frustrating think about my school is when I transferred they didn't take all my credits. I had to fight for my classes and I feel like I have taken classes twice because they didn't transfer all my credits.
I think that the most frustrating thing about Boise State University is trying to navigate their system to find information. It took me a semester to figure out that I needed an advisor to counsel me with the classes required for my major in elementary education. I think every student should be required when they start college to have an advisor. This would have prevented me from making costly mistakes.
There is not enough room in classes, which makes it difficult to graduate on time.
The most frustrating thing about school is not being able to get into the classes you want, or even need. I know that people at most schools probably have a problem with this as well. It just gets frustrating when you have to take classes you do not need or you have to take night classes to make your schedule be full time. I work two jobs with a set schedule so it makes it even more difficult to sign up for classes since I have to arrange my classes around work.
Not much campus housing.
The most frustrating thing about the school is that we only have ten minutes between classes if you space them back to back.
Parking and getting from one class to the next. During the first few years I would be late for alot of classes. There is usually ten minutes between classes and some buildings are too far apart to walk in ten minutes. I now have to plan my classes carefully to be able to arrive on time. Parking permits are expensive, there are alot of options. I pay about 100 bucks a year for the general tag, it's the cheapest and I have to park so far away that I usually throw my bicycle in the back of my truck.
The most frustrating thing about school for me is trying to find a balance between school, work, friends, and family.
It can be very challenging! But you'll find that those who love you will understand, and hopefully, help support you emotionally during this stressful time. Once you get into the habit of just knowing that you only have so much time for homework, you will be able to focus better and be more organized. Spending quality time on your homework really does pay off.
The most frustrating thing that I can think of, is the lack of campus events. Whether it be a dance, or even a fun get-together, this school lacks the fun and intersting activities that could usually be found on campus.