Arizona State University-Tempe Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


how to study


I wish that I would have known more about more on campus activities like clubs and other organizations. I feel like I could have become more involved and meet some more people my freshman year than I actually did.


I wish I had known that there are many options to go abroad and get great internships


I wish I had known how urban the area was because it takes away the feeling of being at a big university often and there is never any parking. I also wish I had known the way students show off their money out here and seem to have no work ethic of any sort.


I wish I had known that college requires a lot more studying than high school!


I wish I would have known that the engineering advisors know even less about the program then students. 95{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the time the advisors are leading students in the wrong direction and forcing students to take classes that outside the program. Oh did I mention that advising is REQUIRED every semester before registering for classes, and the advisors must sign off on it. Any student must meet with their advisor in person to do this as well, no email support, inconvient office hours for students, and poor advising too.


The weather. I have gotten used to it now but if you don't like heat and dryness, you will have hard time adjsting to the climate. Also, the size of the school is somewhat big so unless you're in "College of Design" where I am in, it is hard to feel the "bond" between your classmates. (Assuming you are not involved in any social groups on campus). However, it all depends on how you make out your own way! It takes time but it gets a lot more fun later.


how much everything would cost ...


I wish i had known how hard the workload was going to be.


I wish I had known what I wanted to do with my life - if I'd known I wanted to be a doctor, I could have entered an accelerated program. I also wish I'd been more familiar with the clubs here on campus.