Finding the right college can be challenging. The most helpful things for me were getting a 100 Best Colleges book, and then narrowing down the colleges and marking the ones that fit my GPA and extracirriculars. I then applied to lots, so I would have options. Visiting the ones I was serious about was also very helpful. I did some of the overnight visits which helped me to get to feel the vibe of the campus outside of the admissions office. I also made some second visits once I had my acceptances. Telling admissions people and students you are torn between one campus and another can sometimes prove helpful, as many students were once in your place and can sometimes give you good advice.
Once you are on campus, I think it's really important to reach out and get a good social network, especially at a school with more people. Even if you aren't always comfortable trying to make new friends, you just have to remember everyone else is in the same situation. Good friends can make or break a college experience.
Lastly, good luck and have fun!!!
Make sure that ypu visit each school that you are considering.
I would advise parents and students searching for the right college to first look at the department of interest. If the school has a strong department if interest, with many helpful faculty members, the students will be able to maintain interest in their selected field, as well as form connections for plans after college or participate in research. Additionally, the area surrounding campus should be accomodating to personal interests and needs. As a biology major, I would have found it frustrating and difficult to study biology in a large city. If I were searching for another undergraduate college, those two attributes would be the top two on my list, as they really influence the quality of a student's personal education.
To whom this may concern,
College is all about your networking and study habits. If you're a social person who knows when to crack open a book for an exam, you'll be fine. Befriend your professors, classmates, and school faculty. This gives you optimal social mobility on campus. Also, consider Greek life and other campus organizations. They're certainly better than sitting in your dorm all day playing Call of Duty. Take it easy and just have fun with a grain of responsibility; your social awareness and academics will follow in tow.
-- Relax,
Most every college is going to be able to provide you with the minimum amount of academics you need to succeed in life. However, choosing the right college is about the way you feel when you get there; you want to feel like you can call that place your second home. When you arrive at the right school you get a feeling that you just fit there. Feelings may change with time after going to school but remember that the main reason you are there is to acquire the knowledge for the profession you desire. Take time to get to know new people and to make the best of friends you can because those friends are going to make your new life that much more easier to adapt yourself accordingly. It's important to get out and have fun while remembering you are there to go to class and to get a degree, but that does not mean you cannot have a little fun along the way.
I would encourage students to take college tours during junior and senior year of high school to help narrow down which schools you like and do not like. If you have the opportunity, I would suggest talking to current students while on tour because they can give you a good idea of what campus life is like. While at college, I would join enough extra-cirricular activities to keep you busy but not too busy. Greek life can also be a wonderful experience, as long as you go into it with an open mind, and do not have your heart set on a certain sorority or fraternity because it could change once you met members of different houses. Also be sure to take time to have fun with your friends, it will be well worth it if you do.
Albion College is a great place for people to discover and expand on what they want to do in life. Classes are small and interactive, professors are well-educated and helpful, and the social campus life is exceptional. If I were to have the opportunity to go through college again, I would come back to Albion College without a second thought.
Finding the right college is not the term that should be used. A student will either love it or hate it but it is all part of the journey. So don't stress out about "finding the right school."
Making the most out of your college experience is a complete invidiual and personal achievement that can be influenced by others such as mentors or advisors. But the most important part is what the student makes of the situation. I've seen so many students at my school not take advantage of opportunities because they "have to much work to do" or "need to focus on their studies". And, yes this is completely true. I myself focus very heavilly on my studies- but in certain situations you have to be willing to sacrifice for things that you are passionate about that sometimes people won't understand. But you will. Do what's in your heart for in the future, you will be happy and you will make others happy.
Make sure the college has more than academics.
While finding the right college often seems difficult, it is surprising how once you have done all the research, tours, and scholarship applications, the right school just seems to surface. The most important thing is that once you have your chosen school, make the most of everything it has to offer, despite whether or not you are confident it was the right choice. It is common to have last minute concerns or regrets, but don't let them overcome you. Become involved in extracurricular activities, spend time on campus getting to know people, be helpful to others in class, and attend school sponsored activities such as speakers, concerts, and games. I think the thing that most students don't realize has value is living on campus. At Albion College, we were all required to live on campus our entire college careers, which at first seemed irritating. As time went on however, you realized how close you became with your classmates when you all lived in very close proximity to one another. Living off campus might seem great, but it really alienates you from campus life, and you only get to go through college once, so make the most of it!