AI Miami International University of Art and Design Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about AI Miami International University of Art and Design!


The Art Institute of Jacksonville (The option was not listed) is a school for those with creative minds that do not fit in anywhere else. My school is unique because it sees the world in imaginative minds with absolutely no boundaries!


My school is solely focused on artistic endevors and provides a very unique and creative hands-on learning environment that was unmatched by other schools.


My school allows you to work with different people from different backgrounds and join our ideas together as one and make art.


At Miami International University of Art & Design will help me to become an stronger person by improving my knowledge in art and what is best for me as a graphic designer. With all the help and support that I will receive from the teachers, I will be able to become a successful student by learning more about what a Graphic Designer is capable of doing when working with one of the best companies or simply working on their own. I will be able to enhance my creativities in designing posters that show the passion that I have for art .