By Nicole Yesel
Unigo Campus Rep at University of Arizona
Here are top 10 things freshman should know about UA sports:
1. First in the things freshman should know about UA sports is Get a Zona Zoo Pass! Prices for the pass vary from year to year. The pass includes every Arizona, regular season, home athletic event during the school year. Regular season, home events entail: Football, Baseball, Men’s Basketball, Women’s Basketball, Softball, Volleyball, Gymnastics and Soccer. However, basketball admission is not guaranteed and tickets are limited to one admission per Zona Zoo membership. For more rules and details visit:
2. The Bear Down Song sung at games:
Bear Down Arizona by Jack Lee
Bear Down, Arizona
Bear Down, red and Blue
Bear Down, Arizona
Hit ’em hard, let ’em know who’s who;
Bear Down, Arizona
Bear Down, Red and Blue
Go, go, Wildcats, go;
Arizona, Bear Down
3. Always wear red and blue to a game (preferably your Zona Zoo shirt).
4. Our Mascots are Wilber and Wilma the Wildcats.
5. Dates for Homecoming – although it is not on the same day every year, it’s always on a Saturday that corresponds with a home game about halfway through the fall semester. This year Homecoming was on October 25, 2008.
6. If you want a good seat in the student section at a football game you have to be there at least an hour early. The student section only holds 10,000 students. If you show up to late, you could be denied entrance due to max capacity.
7. Always check out the tailgates on the Mall (long strip of grass the extends a good length of the campus) before a football game!
8. Basketball tickets can be hard to get, so check the date that tickets go on sale. They usually sell out on the very same day.
9. Lute Olsen, men’s basketball head coach, JUST announced his retirement. After 25 years of helping make the UA one of the best NCAA teams, he has announced his retirement a week before the beginning of the season.
10. UA intramurals are very good and have a wide variety of options. If you aren’t on the University team and you still want to practice, it’s worth checking out.
Aside from sports, as freshman, you should know the basics of being a freshman in college. Check this college bucket list that can give you some tips for your college journey!