By Amanda Colwell
By Amanda Colwell
Unigo Campus Rep at Boston College
So they may be getting ready to leave college, but seniors certainly remember their college highs… and lows. Of course, no one has received their diploma having explored every millimeter of campus life. But hey, it’s worth a shot! Here are some definite senior year regrets and oops that you should avoid:
10. Completed the assigned reading on the syllabus before each due date
Lesson learned: That is what the night before the exam is for. So when given the choice between finishing up Freud’s Civilization and Its Discontents and going out on a Tuesday night, always choose the latter.
9. Senior year regrets: Ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted
Lesson learned: Unfortunately, the “Freshman 15” is not just a myth.
8. Senior year regrets: Stayed in my high school relationship for too long
Lesson learned: Very time consuming and emotionally draining—not worth it. If you know s/he is not the one, then get out before you miss out on the college hook-up scene. The glories of the college bubble do not last forever.
7. Didn’t get an internship junior year… or yet
Lesson learned: Most employers look for and expect work experience. Not having that experience makes for a rather unpleasant ‘applying for jobs’ experience.
6. Waited too long to visit the career center
Lesson learned: People enter through the doors of the career center before senior year… and those people seem to be the ones who get jobs first.
5. Listened to my parents more than I should have
Lesson learned: So maybe their paying the bills, but it is your life and your future. You don’t need to tell them everything… if they are going to make you feel guilty about skipping class to go to the Boston Red Sox Parade then don’t tell them. Some things are better left unsaid anyways.
4. Cared too much about my GPA
Lesson learned: Another senior year regrets – Grades shmades. Your GPA will fall senior year, anyways. Spend your four years in college learning about yourself.
3. Got too drunk that night…
Lesson learned: Still can’t live it down. Just because you don’t remember that night, does not mean other people don’t remember you from that night. Chances are, they remember you very, very well.
2. Partied at the same place every week
Lesson learned: There are many parties, bars and people around campus. The more people you know, oh the places you’ll go!
1. First in the list in senior year regrets – Didn’t get involved.
Lesson learned: People do things in college besides drink. Remember back in high school when you were involved in everything… bringing back those days feels good. Even if its senior year—it is not too late to find a club or activity!