By Zack Meisel
Unigo Campus Rep at OSU
Nov. 4, 2008
Seth Rhodes, sophomore marketing and advertising major:
“It’s a weird feeling knowing that I actually have a say in the goings on and who gets to become the next leader of the country. The fact that although I know that my vote could easily be negated by someone of opposing viewpoints, I know that mine still counts regardless, and so there is a sense of accomplishment due to the fact that I’m guaranteed a vote.”
Tracy Levine, sophomore international studies major:
“I’m proud to know that my country finally looks at me as an adult who is capable of electing our future leaders. I voted absentee, and therefore, did not get the opportunity to go out to the polls on Election Day, but like most college students I was still very excited for this day to finally come.”
Scott Rosenthal, freshman business major:
“When you vote, you immediately feel connected to something bigger than yourself. That is what’s most important about being able to vote in something as prestigious a national election; the issues, stances, and messages that you can send to something bigger than yourself gives you a feeling of importance in such a large country.”
Megan Kapes, sophomore actuarial science major:
“It feels great to be a part of history and really know that my vote can make a difference. Even though I didn’t get to go to the polls and wait in line and get to wear the “I voted today” sticker, I still feel honored that I got to fulfill my civic duty by voting in my first election.”
Zack Rosenberg, sophomore psychology major:
“I am glad I voted to hopefully make a change in the country. It was a good experience knowing my vote counts as much as McCain, knowing I am as important as anyone.”