Xavier University of Louisiana Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


hard work plus using the tutoring facilities more equals success.


I wish I knew about the work load! It is very demanding, but in a good way. The teachers teaching methods are very abstract, so the work is very useful when we have conversations in the classroom and outside of the classroom.


I wish I had better study habits. College is different. In most classes homework is not mandatory to do, so you may think why do it if it will not be graded. Well, do it as if it were to be graded so you can stay on track. Learning is not solely based on grades!


The schools restrictions on visitations in the dorm and the curfew.


I wish I had known how much financial aid doesn't pay for and the recurrance of hurricanes.


I wish I had known how much of a factor Greek life played in social terms.