Xavier University of Louisiana Top Questions

What should every freshman at Xavier University of Louisiana know before they start?


A person should not try try find the college of thier choice based on the fact it is easy and all your close frinds have attended it. a paent/ student needs to do resarch on different colleges first. A parent/ student should visit the college campus and ask specific questions not about their campus life but how an individual who attends this college would rate this college academically. An individual applying for a college should look for a college which may not be intresting and socially fun but will help them advance very educationally to reach their future goals. These type of colleges require hard work but at the end individuals relaize how helpful it was to them and how well pepeared they are to advance into their future career or job by the hard work they have put in. This individual would be educatonally equipped to perform their tasks at their specific jobs faster and easier and already be able to develop different study skills that could help them in graduate school which requires more focus.