Winston-Salem State University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Winston-Salem State University?


we enter to learn and depart to serve.


Winston Salem State welcomes ALL students with warm welcomed arms. You are never judged by how you may look, your background, or what your goal is while attending. Once a Winston Salem State Ram, you are always and foerever will be a Winston Salem State Ram! RAM PRIDE!!!


When talking about my school, I brag the most about the way our campus looks and the fun that we have.


When i talk about WSSU I talk about how much small yet great the school is.The people whom attend WSSU are very motivated by the small atmosphere which allows us students to learn.I talk about the unity you have with one another through a new tradition known as RAMdition that enables you to meet new people and learn what WSSU is about.


no no no.


The school is very school spirited. The school shows support for all the teams that are here.


its appearrance, and the men on campus.


I tell them that My school has the best teachers because they are so helpful.


The thing that I brag most about Winston-Salem State University is the wonderful student body!! The students here including myself have so much school spirit. Not only do we support our college, we also support each other. I brag that all of the students here at WSSU are willing to help any other student and the community like atmosphere is due to the love and support that each student has for the other.


We're an HBCU and the majority of our students are on the Dean's List