Winona State University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would have known about the difficulty in recieving scholarships and financial aid. It almost would have paid to attend a private school because scholarships are more available as well as grants.


I knew pretty much about the school as an academic facility, but I was never informed about the outside social life of the campus community. I'm glad I didn't know much about it because it gave me a chance to learn about other people and what there is to do for fun around here.




How cold it really get in the winter. And that there is not much to do around town.


I wish I had known what I wanted my major to be.


more about the academic credability


I wish I had known that this is a school where you get out of it what you put into it. I consider this to be a very good quality.


I wish that I had known that there were no sorority houses and that one had to start looking for housing at the very beginning of one school year for the next school year. I also wish I had known that there were no sorority houses in Winona.


That it was pretty small and there is nothing to do in the town


nothing, i think having preconcived notions about places, can disapoint, and make you act in a according to what you think is going to happen